Feb 26, 2011 15:47
Not working today. I'll go in tomorrow after church. *is lazy*
But! But but but. I wrote a bit more of Unlettered, and after taking some months off on that book I feel qualified to say with a (very) small degree of objectivity that it doesn't suck and may actually turn out to be something rather good. I've encountered a slight problem, though. When I'm working on a shorter piece it's all very well and good to attack whatever scene I feel like without regard for chronological order, which is how I usually write, but when I'm working on a novel that spans six or seven years and in which the POV character's relationships and reactions change significantly over the course of the book, it's difficult. I think I need to reread from the beginning before I can really get back into it.
I'm about 1,500 words from finishing Chapter Six, which will mean the first ten chapters are complete in very rough draft form. This thing is going to work. Revisions will be a pain in the ass, but it's going to work.
If I can keep focused. I also seem to be writing a sequel to Boston Marriage.
the writing thing,
boston marriage,