(no subject)

Dec 19, 2005 02:48

Title: Nowhere Else I Want to Be
Author: nutmeg610
Rating: PG
Spoilers: er, I dunno... none?
Notes: This could be seen as the sequel to my untitled ficlet that I wrote for literarylemming, which can be found here at pendragontales. However, you don't need to have read that to understand this. I should point out that I know nothing about the Harry Potter 'verse, to which literarylemming said, "Who cares? Make it up! DO IT! DO IT!", or something to that effect. Besides, this is all her and aliaspiral's faults anyways. ;) I also know diddly about French, and I doubt Babelfish is that reliable, but oh well, I only needed one word. Enjoy! Feedback makes me smile! :)

Gabby slipped out from the entrance of her tent to look across the reservation. A few hundred yards away, a Hungarian Horntail was being fed by a tall man with fiery red hair. Gabby smiled and hurried over to him. She stopped a short distance away and said, "Ello, Sharlie!"

Charlie made sure the dragon was occupied with eating his meal before turning around and smiling at the French beauty. "Bonjour!" he called back to her in a horrid French accent before he trotted over and put his arm around her. She smiled up at him and laid her head on his chest. "Oh, Sharlie! I am so glad zat we are finally 'ere together! I have waited for zis for so long!"

Charlie laughed and kissed the top of her head. "So have I, my little dragon tamer! How's about we check up on the Norwegian Ridgebacks now?" Gabby practically squeeled and grabbed his hand to drag him away. "And zen zee Romanian Longhorn, oui?" He laughed again and nodded. "Oui, them too." As the walked along the path, Gabby gently ran a finger down the dragon fang which hung around her neck. "Zere is no ozzer place I want to be zan right 'ere, right now, with you. It is like something out of a dream, oui?"

"Mmm hmm, sure is." he answered, pulling her closer. "I can't remember what my life was like before you came into it, little one." Gabby giggled and bumped her hip against his. "I told you not to call me zat! I am twenty soon!" Charlie chuckled and bumped her hip back. "But you're short, so you're little. See? It all works out." Gabby rolled her eyes in response and let out a sigh. "Zen I will just 'ave to zink of an enfantin nickname for you, mon Sharlie. What do you zink of zat?"

To her surprise, he didn't answer her, and as she turned to look at him, a cold breeze blew upon her, causing her to rub her arms with her hands. Everything grew fuzzy, and before she knew it, Gabby found herself lying on the Weasley's couch in the Burrow, her blanklet lying pooled on the floor, and goosebumbs forming on her arms from the draft. Gabby looked around in the dark, the fire having died down ages ago. It was Christmas Day, or the day after, depending on what time it was. In front of the fireplace, where only the embers still glowed, lay Charlie in his sleeping bag, one arm flung over his head and his mouth hanging over. Gabby stifled a giggle as she pulled her blanket back up over herself. She laid her head back on the pillow and looked at him. She had never had such a dream before. Especially not one where she and Charlie seemed so... close. Sure, she had dreamed of dragons before. But never had one of those dreams involved Charlie. Gabby thought he must have appeared in it because she had been so excited to see him. She lifted her head and ran her hand across the end table, picking up the dragon fang he had given her as a Christmas present and running a finger down the smooth surface before placing it back down, and snuggling under the covers again.

Charlie snapped his lips together in his sleep and his head rolled to the side. Gabby struggled not to laugh, especially when he began to mumble. "Don't go without me." he mumbled aloud. Gabby bit her lip, wondering what he was dreaming about. "Course I trust you." he continued, causing Gabby to snort slightly. Charlie let out a content sigh. "Gabby..." he said, still asleep, causing Gabby to practically swallow her tongue.
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