(no subject)

Dec 18, 2005 01:46

Title: Drawing Dragons
Rated: PG
Summary: Gabrielle and Charlie get tattooed.
Note: Inspired by literarylemming's wallpaper with the dragon tattoo pictures. Insert plot bunny here. This is my first fic here. My first...anything here. But I LOVE this ship and I've read everything else on this community. Gah, it's all so wonderful. Anyway...hope this is okay for my first adventure into C/G land. It's unbetad so...apologies for any errors.

"This ees going to 'urt isn't eet?"

Charlie choked back a laugh when he saw just how nervous Gabrielle truly was. She was eyeing the medical table with critical apprehension and her grip on Charlie's hand had grown noticeably tighter. Her accent, which over the years had begun to soften near to the point of disappearing, was suddenly back in full force. A true sign she was nervous. Once she'd had a nasty run in with a Chinese fireball and it had taken her two hours to stop shouting in French so Charlie could understand what was wrong.

"Only for a little bit. They heal them a little after they’re done and then they do the charms to make them move. I mean…if you've changed your mind, it's okay..."

"Non." Her face was once more one of fierce, stubborn, determination. "I want to do zis. I will do zis."

He smiled and tucked a rebellious strand of silver hair behind her ear. The rest was pulled into a braid, sensible but fun. Her sister would have slicked her hair back into an elegant bun, not a hair out of place. While it wasn't fair for Charlie to criticize his sister-in-law, he admitted to himself he preferred Gabrielle's sense of style. She seemed caught between her own desire to run round ragged and the never ending pull of her aristocratic upbringing. The end result being some unholy mixture of the two. They had attended his brother Ron's wedding last week and Gabrielle had shown up in expensive plain blue robes, but wore neon green stockings underneath that only Charlie could see. He'd had to stuff himself with wedding cake to keep from laughing.

"You have ze drawings?"

Gabrielle's voice snapped Charlie back to the here and now. He reached into his pocket and took out a carefully folded piece of parchment.

"Yeah got it here." He raised a curious eyebrow. "You know where you want yours?"

Gabrielle blushed a bit but giggled happily. "I zink ze small of my back would be lovely."

"Me too." His voice had dropped with pleasure at the idea and Gabrielle's blush deepened.

"And you? Where will yours be?"

"Shoulder? Maybe." He shrugged.

Gabrielle grinned a tad wickedly and ran a hand up Charlie's arm to rest on his shoulder. "I would like zat."

"Should it is then," he said with a firm nod. Gabrielle giggled and rested her head atop said shoulder.

"You are so very easy to convince, da'ling."

They stood together for a few more minutes until, finally, the tattoo artist arrived. Gabrielle bravely offered to go first, chin up I defiance. Charlie held Gabrielle's hand the whole time, but it turned out she hardly needed it. When she was told it was all done, she looked pleasantly surprised.

"Zat was not bad at all!" she said, positively beaming. "Your turn now Charlie." She still stumbled over pronouncing his name some days, but either way made him smile.

He hopped onto the table Gabrielle had just vacated and promptly took of his shirt and lay down. Gabrielle offered her hand and Charlie took it, hesitantly. It was alright for her to hold his hand, but he should be able to tolerate this, shouldn't he? The look in Gabrielle's eyes made it obvious she new what he was thinking, so he took her hand without a word.

Good thing too, because it turned out to hurt like a bloody bitch.

Gabrielle was crying with laughter by the time Charlie was let up and he scowled at her as she doubled over in her seat in hysterics.

"Not. Funny."

"So very very funny!" she argued between gulps for air and continuing giggles.

Charlie was scrounging around for his shirt and trying not to blush in humiliation when he felt an arm slowly snake around his waist. Charlie stopped his rustling and looked over at Gabrielle, who had an apologetic smile on her face.

"I'm sorry Charlie, I did not mean to make fun." She accented her apology with a small kiss to his bare arm.

"S'okay, I was kinda stupid," he admitted.

"Doesn't matter now, zee, look..." She pulled him gently over to a full length mirror. She turned to the mirror and lifted up her shirt so Charlie could see her tattoo, still red and raw but beautiful, a dragon twisting in flight. She wordlessly spun him around so he could see over his shoulder his own tattoo, a similar dragon in style but just different enough so he could imagine them being a pair.

"Our dragons are coupled," she said. "Or...zhat is not zee word...um..."

"Mated?" Charlie raised an eyebrow. Gabrielle swatted at him playfully.

"Perhaps," she mused with a shrug. "Zey are tres belle, non?"

"Yeah they are. Uh...trez belle, we?"

He heard he giggle again, a noise he knew he'd never tire of. "Your French is 'orrible."

“I won’t be able to hold you round the waist for a while,” he said, ignoring her attack on his linguistic abilities, or lack thereof.

“Shouldn’t take too much time to heal. Zhen you can ‘old me all you want. Long as you want.”

He lifted his non-tattooed arm and slung it over Gabrielle’s shoulder’s, pulling her to him. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and sighed in content. “You like them then?”

“I love zhem,” she whispered happily. “I love you.”

They shared a kiss in front of the mirror and neither of them noticed when Charlie’s tattoo promptly decided it had enough of loneliness and slipped across the couple’s joined hands to slide in to place next to his mate. Their tails wrapped around one another’s happily and later it would take Charlie an hour to convince the renegade tattoo to travel back to his shoulder where it belonged.
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