Farewell my friend

Oct 10, 2005 11:07

i just got a call this morning, that Adrianne, Sativa on my website, a_faeries_wings killed herself early this morning.

Her husband told me, and the first tone of his voice, I thought he was pranking me! But then he started crying. and it felt like I just had my soul ripped from my body.

I'm trying not to shake as I write this, but I can't help it. I thought of the girl hardcore last night, and how much I missed her, I was even staring at her myspace profile, thinking of how beautiful she was, and then ragamuffin, who was sleeping on my photography equipment box got up started meowing into the photography room which was all dark, and still crammed full of stuff. I got weirded out when I noticed that. But now it's clear who raggies was meowing at!

Oh God, I'm so ripped apart right now! This girl held a place in my heart more then she even knew. And I kept telling her that if things were so bad, she should just move in with me. I've been cring none stop! and keep scratching at my face for no reason. this is the most horrible thing! Jesus christ I want someone to hold

why didn't i call her when i thought of her last night?

She leaves behind two beautiful babies!
And she leaves me behind
i can't even get out of this god damn house to find someone to hold!

If the pic link breaks I will repost it to my website.
God I miss her!

I was almost there when she had her second baby last year. If it wasn't a false labour pains, I might of gotten to cut the cord.


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