Stopped a woman from being raped, and beaten... Work story... LONG

Nov 17, 2004 08:55

There's a lot of new people on my Live Journal, so not everyone knows about my other job and the few interesting stories that I get to be involved in. I work as a part time Security Guard for the Ramada Hotel Chain in Down Town Milwaukee. Life as a security guard can be pretty boring, and sometimes has a few crappy hassles. But then there are the few times when shit occurs and your thrown into the thick of it, and you have to be down right prepared for anything at almost any time. Being a hotel guard you don't see or have to handle things like in a night club, but you still can get drunken, and drugged up dorks that want to cause trouble. You just have to deal with everything as it happens.

Last night was a very boring night. The usual kind of night for a week night and the beginning of the slow winter season. The hotel was dead! I think we had 16 rooms total. An entire floor was marked off so they could do carpet repair to the entire hallway. There was little comings and goings. It was so dead, I worked on my Las Vegas adventure on a word document for about an hour or two. It was just after 5am when I sent myself a copy of the story, leapt off the work computer, and started the last rounds of the day, which include taking a copy of the USA today newspaper to shove under the doors of all the guests rooms in the hotel.

First room I delivered the paper too was room 101. I have this routine worked out where I deliver papers to the first and second floors first, due to getting a load of papers off my hands. I dropped the paper on the floor and slide it under the door frame, but the paper gave me a bit of resistance, and I accidentally hit the door with the bottom of my foot. It wasn't loud, I shouldn't have awaken anyone in the room. I continued to walk down the hall finishing the first floor as I hear some muffled voices. My first thought is that some guests were up somewhere and they were getting ready to check out. I hit the fire exit walking the stairs up towards the second floor, when I'm stopped in the dead center of the stairwell.


Sounded like someone SLAMMED a door! Yet, where did it come from? The stairwell echoes and plays tricks on you. So I couldn't figure out if the sound came from the second floor or back on the first floor. I decide to move forward to the second floor. I slip the paper under the door to room 208 and hear the loud BANG again! This time it's followed by loud voices, but I still can't make out what made the sound or pin point where it came from. I just knew it had to of been coming from back down on the first floor! Again my mind was thinking, maybe it's a check out. Suddenly the radio goes off! It's Paul, the night Auditor yelling for me that he needs me in the lobby immediately! I take off running!

Into the lobby I don't see anyone, but Paul yells from behind the desk, "It's got to be room 101!" So I fly through the lobby, and as I'm getting to the first floor hall doors I hear a woman's crying scream pleading for HELP! Yanking the door open, I see an almost all naked white girl, trying beyond all her strength, to open the door, trying to get out of room 101, and failing!

She sees me, her face is red and filled in tears! She screams at me for HELP! The door suddenly SLAMS! I hear a low male voice growl at her to get back inside and to step away from the door! She screams NO! And the door opens once again! This time I fly into the door! She pleads to me for help! The girl is pants-less and has no underwear on (beautifully shaven pussy as well... damn my attention to details. But she was one rather beautiful girl). She has only a bra covering her chest. And I see strong black fingers pushing the door. His voice is low, and scary, as he insists that she gets away from the door, when I suddenly say, "NO! This door WILL open, and I AM coming inside!" Reaching down to my radio, I called to Paul, "Call 911, now, now! Z code, Z code!" (A "z code" is our queue that the situation is no bluff game.) The man was so very strong and able to literally push me back, but he doesn't get the door closed! I get it open enough to slide my body between the door and the frame securing my footing against the frame, and once my legs have leverage, there was no way in HELL that fucker was going to keep me from opening that door! She came running out of the room and I was suddenly face to face with a 6 foot African American male, built like a brick shit house, with red, blood shot eyes, that looked like he was in a mad rage! Oh, he was also funny looking in only his white briefs and white socks. But it didn't detract from the pissed off look in his eyes as he stared me down!

The girl was at my back, holding onto me for dear life as he growled for her to get back inside! She screamed No! And I growled right back at him, "NO!" He didn't want to acknowledge me at first, kept telling the woman to get back in the room. I am now in a defensive stance, my left arm raised ready to take on any blow he's will to dish, my right hand held low, fist being clenched and released as if waiting for him to start swinging! But my first instinct is to protect the girl and separate the two from the domestic dispute! I turn to her, seeing that she's now half way out the lobby door, and basically has her naked ass able to be viewed by anyone getting off the elevator. Luckily, no one does. But I say, "There is a door to your right! It's open! Walk through it, and Lock it!" This door lead to the front desk where Paul was.

The guy makes a sudden move, which I see out of the corner of my eye! I turn in a flash, and suddenly stand in front of him from trying to get past me to the girl. I hear the Front desk door open and close with a snap to the lock. She's safe, now it was dealing with the raging animal of a man that was looking to tear my head off! And I knew he could do it! But my stance is firm, my eyes are equally crazy, I was not going to back down until death! Maybe that's what pushed him back, my stare, my stance, he tried telling me to make her come back, I told him no. He said he only wanted to talk to her. I told him that the police was coming now and talking would go on between them. He called me a bullshitter. I told him to just wait.

Paul called asking for the girls purse. Somehow the guy backed away from me and stood up against the wall. I forcefully asked him for the woman's pants. He said they were in the room. I told him to go in first, I did not want him at my back ever in this situation. He wouldn't step back into the room. Not even to dress himself. The man was fucked up! So I slowly backed into the room, saw her pants on a bed and picked up her purse on my way back to the door way. That's when I notice it. Down on the table, same table her purse was on, was a small mound of white powder. It had to be cocaine! The guy tried stepping into the room, and I told him to back away from me! Suddenly he stepped closer and I readied to defend! He tried to ask for the girl again. For some odd reason, the guys that tend to try to over power a woman, and can't get to her, have a knack for begging, pleading, and trying to lie their way at getting to the girl. So I now knew, that no matter what he was telling me, he was trying to get at the girl for one last swipe, hit, or blow, at making the situation even worse! I told him, I didn't care, what he had to say, and he was not getting near her! He asks why? I forcefully say, "She asked for MY help. She is in MY Protection now! And I say NO!" My voice raised with sharp anger tones. Almost to screaming level. And when I hit the peak of my scream, it tends to pierce people. He didn't back down though and stepped forward once again. We are out the room door now, and I raise my left arm with her shirt, pants, and purse clutched in it! My fist was now clenched and ready to swing. He noticed it and asked whats with my hand? I open the fist and repeat his question back to him. He then tells me that I don't even know what happened. To the point, I reply, "I don't even care! Now it's time for the police to tell it to!"

I tell him to stay there, or go back into his room! He refuses and follows me into the lobby. I hand the clothes over to the front desk and the guy flies up behind me! I almost turn and start swinging, but the guy backs up enough to start begging Paul to tell the girl to come out! Paul tells him no and reiterates the fact that he's in his underwear in the hotel lobby. I notice the cops pull into the lot, and realize that that was the longest five minutes of my life! I mention, voice raised enough to echo the lobby, that if the guy wants to make a spectacle of himself, to let him. The cops were finally there, and they can hall his naked ass to jail like that!

Two officers stepped into the lobby, I pulled one aside to tell him what I had witnessed while the other interrogates the half naked guy who decided to sit his BVDs on the lobby couch. My summery was brief, I did not witness what happened in the room, and saw no violence between the two other then her struggling to open the door, and his angered voice. But I did succeed in separating the two. On the way back, the officer joined his partner, and I headed to the desk. She was fully dressed now, and peeking out at me with those eyes. I couldn't keep her stare. Mainly, cause I knew those types of stares a woman can give makes me weak in the knees, and could very well persuade me into a situation more geared to her side. And I didn't really know what had occurred here tonight, so I had to reserve judgment and stay neutral. I was already leaning to her side in this domestic dispute. The sway was the actions I had witnessed. Him trying to keep her in, her panic filled screams, the way he tried to con his way to the girl, and the overall tone of his voice. I asked for a lockout key for the room. When I got it, that's when the officers escorted the man, with me in the lead, headed back to room 101.

Inside the room the officers questioned him, and found the coke. The guy had no ID and walked around his story a few times. Supposedly he met her at a bar, The Rock Bottom, she was an escort girl, and convinced him to get a room to snort her blow and maybe a bit more.

The girl was asked out from the desk by one of the officers, to gather her side of the story. In the hallway she told the officer that she met him at a bar, Bar Milwaukee, through a friend, the bar manager Dan. She didn't have a ride home, and this guy offered to take her. He convinced her that it was okay cause he was an off duty cop though he didn't have his ID to prove it. On the way home, he stared hitting on her again, and she just gave in, she was horny and wanted to fool around. They went to a few different hotels, but was referred to the Ramada for better price rate. In the room he pulled out the coke, got her pants off and was spreading the powder over her body and licking it off her pussy. It was hard for her to tell this, and the story didn't come out as quickly as I just wrote it. She was a bit shy in telling the sexual situation. And because both gave the story that neither knew each other, and was just picked up in a bar for a one night stand, the cop instantly asked her how much. When she got dumb founded and asked what the cop meant, he pushed the fact that she must of been an escort! She denied his accusation, but made it clear that she did just want some action. But suddenly the drugged up guy started acting really weird on the bed. She started having second thoughts as he became more forceful, and started freaking out thinking someone else was in the room. He scared her and she slithered away from him. He caught her in the hall by the door, and threatened her, forcing himself on her, and telling her she was going to be fucked, she wanted to scream, but fear silenced her. Then I slid the newspaper under the door. She realized someone was near, and help was just beyond the door! She cried out, and grabbed at the door. He forced her back. She continued to scream! That's when she turned to me, and I almost died looking into her eyes as she cried and thanked me for saving her from about to be raped!

I tried not to get emotional, kept myself from crying, but I couldn't help myself from wanting to take her in my arms and hug her. I didn't though. I ran with the proud feeling that I just stopped a crime. By the gods, I wanted to kiss her. I'm such a sap! I couldn't stare at her eyes anymore, she had me, and I was suddenly afraid of her daze. I walked back towards the room to hear the other cop ask if Reed was the man's real last name! He didn't have any ID, so they told him he better not be lying! They will get his ID eventually! The guy admitted his name, and was asked if he had a record. The man informed the cops that he had a prior arrest record for battery, possession, and obstructing justice with an informant. That admittance pulled me more in favour of the girl... Her name was Ashley.

To shorten the rest, the cops took forever! But since no one was admitting who's coke it was, they were both being arrested! Him on charges of abuse, and possible the possession, her on counts of prostitution! And was she ever pissed! She told them to go through her purse, there was no money there. There was no way she could have been it. But the cops would not back down. She was going to the station where she could tell her story to vice squad.

I was still caught by her, talked to her a few times before they cuffed her. And had worked out a thought of offering her a ride home if she wasn't arrested. But that wasn't going to happen. I did, however give Ashley my phone number incase she needed a witness in court. It wasn't much. And I don't know why I'm hoping she will call. Guess the Knight In Shining Armour in me was slowly being pushed aside by lonely guy me, wanting to make things better, to which he had no clue as to how.

There was no damage to the room. The cops swept up the coke. Now the maids needed to vacuumed the residue off the rugs. It was now 35 minutes after 7am. I'm now an hour and a half into over time. The morning crew is at the desk. I tell the story, getting pats on the back for defending what I thought was right. I was happy in the knowledge that I stopped one of the worse crimes ever, from happening. But was sadden at it's final turnout.

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