This sums up my thoughts on the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, except that I do appreciate the soundtrack.
In other news, I had a conversation about lucid dreaming the other day and how everyone always decides to start flying. Which I've done and is fun, but gets old pretty quickly because your imagination is somewhat limited regarding flyovers, or at least mine is.
A day or two later between snooze hits I was having a dream about some awful school trip. We finally got on the ferry out to some island and next thing I knew we were on a helicopter ride over Hawaii and it was amazing! Not realistic, but full of over-sized animals and insects, brightly colored, densely populating the steep valleys and jungle waterfalls.
That's when I realized I was lucid dreaming. But I was already flying, and the dream was pretty sweet. So then I thought, well surely I can improve the experience somehow.
Which is when Ewan McGregor showed up.
What I'm saying is lucid dreaming is really, really awesome.