Here are the main highlights from my San Francisco / Los Angeles / Hermosa Beach high school "reunion" trip over Memorial Day weekend (052407-053007), in no particular order:
- PBR should never cost $8.50. NEVER.
- SF Giants game and LA Angels game were both fun.
- We were not allowed into the Standard Bar (made famous from the HBO Show "Entourage") because we didn't bring any girls (We had a 7 guy sausagefest). We were probably too ugly to get in anyway.
- LA people drive like maniacs. My friend Z and I were in a car that was going 130, and people were passing us on the freeway! The next day, we discovered we were in a Canadian car and we traveled at 130 km/h, not 130 mph.
- Hermosa Beach has the most absolutely beautiful sand I have ever been on. It didn't hurt that the people there were hot too.
- Playing volleyball on the beach is more difficult than in Raleigh because of the wind.
- Napa Valley wineries can be over-rated.
- Watching fog roll down the Golden Gate bridge is amazing.
- I hate the Las Vegas airport.
- Hermosa Beach is like a collegetown without the college. I don't mind partying there, but I could never live there for more than a year.
- Guitar Hero on X-Box 360 is an addicting game.
- Flying the red eye in both directions is never a good idea.
That's all I can think of right now. My brain is still fried from the flight. Photos to come.