Today I was up bright and early to meet up with Katie. We were going to Anfield Stadium (home of
The Pride of Merseyside) because her friend (forgot his name now, how awful is that?!?) is a big Liverpool fan, but because he lives down south he has never been to Anfield. We were planning on going on the tour, and got there at about 12:00 only to realise that the next tour only started at 2pm. Going on the tour would have made me late for work, so Katie and her friend (damn, what's his name!??) got tickets for the tour and we went into the Liverpool FC Museum for about an hour, then sat off in The Sandon for a few drinks until 2pm.
At 2pm, Katie and her mate (name??!) went into the tour, so I caught a bus back into town to kill some time before going into work. I couldn't have gone home because by the time I got home I probably would have missed my train to work, so I had to stay in town for a good hour until I could get the train into work.
To pass time in town I decided to pick up Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for the PlayStation®2, even though I won't be playing it until after I've seen the movie. I also picked up House of Flying Daggers on DVD. I got it from Virgin because they had it in an Exclusive Slip Case.
I decided to also have a look around Open, and guess who was working there -
MR. PERFECT GUY!!! He was as dreamy as ever. I want, I want, I want!
There seemed to be loads of fit gays in town today. Was it Gay Pride Day or something, because I don't know where they were all coming from? I was loving it!