Mar 23, 2009 21:37
I hate interpersonal conflict, especially when I get stuck in the middle taking all the punches or even worse, forced to take sides. There are two women at work who have the greatest dislike for each other but by nature of their work, have to work together. So as one bashes another’s work, the other complains that the first did not do any analysis. They begin to send each other bashing emails carbon copying me on each one of them. Meanwhile, I am sitting there feeling as pathetic as never before and simply do not want to be bothered. All this drama is very upsetting and extremely disruptive to the group. I DO NOT WANT to deal with it and as a technical lead, do not feel that I should. It is such a weakness on my part but I tried to glue their relationship so many times and it never worked. Why can’t they just get along and leave me the hell out of it!
In other developments, a month left... and counting every day! right now I am feeling about as well as my user pic.