Oct 07, 2004 11:52
i havent truly updated in awhile, which just goes to show you how incredibly busy i have been the last couple of weeks. it has been out of control, but i have mananged to survive somehow.
this week has been good, i was able to finish my movie for my basic class and we presented them yesterday during lab. the class really liked mine and said i did a really good job, but i think michelle was a little mad that i used graphics in between some of my shots because i was missing pieces and needed to save my ass from all the jump shots i had. i dunno, she said no one failed the assignment, but that the majority of the class is in the C range. dammit. we got our next assignment today and it is a public service announcement during november 10th. i might take this one more seriously since these will actually air and become the commercials you see on SMU TV. scary stuff. i dunno, if you guys have any ideas feel free to throw them around with me. maybe i can get this one done a whole lot earlier then my last movie. special thanks to will again for being my talent in my last movie. will you rocked, and everyone in my class thought you were so funny! yes...even the Kappa girls. hahaha. good times.
i have my online media production midterm at 3:30 today. im kinda nervous. its an online exam which in itself is weird enough, but we only have one midterm, a final, and a random writing assignments for SMUnews.com and thats it. i have an A in the class right now, and im doing my best to keep it there. actually im doing pretty alright in most of my classes. basic is a whole heck of a lot harder then i thought it would be, but i am taking it from the journalism professor and not the CTV one. at least its preparing me for the real world.
fall break officially starts tomorrow. im so excited. i get to go home again, and hopefully this time i wont end up in the emergency room. me and christine are leaving tomorrow around 2:30 putting us in h-town around 6ish depending on traffic. i cant wait to be home, but i can definitely do without the boring drive there.
sarahs going through initiation week over at UNT for Alpha Phi. im really happy shes having such a good time here, i just wish i had more time to go and visit her. maybe sometime after fall break and before turkey break. it should be a good time.
ive been able to hang out with some of the old gang the past few weeks. mostly it was because i was in the annex shooting my movie, or if we all decided to eat lunch or dinner. i really really miss "the crew." i knew i was going to be a lot busier then usual this semster, but this is ridonkulous! i feel very distant from everyone, but if i try to go and reconnect i feel like i have little time to hang out before i have to go back to study or do stuff. it sucks. but i hope that those of you who read this and know what im talking about, i hope you know that i really miss the good 'ol days and fun times. *snif snif* :(
anywho, thats pretty much all thats been up with me lately. kinda more boring then usual i suppose, but hopefully things will liven up after fall break. celebration of lights stuff is coming up fast, and im running around like crazy contacting all these businesses and all the frats and sororities on campus for this toy drive im in charge of. then i have to write letters to all the multicultural organizations on campus to see if they want to be a part of "light around the world", which is when different orgs show how their culture/religion celebrates during the christmas season. *sigh* yes lets add more to the already gigantic pile of things to do. haha.
well im sitting here at work till about 3 so im going to do some last minute studying for my midterm at 3:30. i really feel like that class is over my head sometimes. all the political debates we have and media poltics we talk about. just a small peek-a-boo of what the class discussion can be like in class:
If Dan Rather walked on water, Fox News would headline Dan Rather can't swim.
Did Dan Rather put the BS in CBS?
yeah....exciting stuff. this class in constantly trying to push the envelope during our class discussions. its probably the kind of class jordan dreams of (lol, sorry j man, i know this stuff is super important to you and that is awesome), but im having a really hard time getting into it. maybe by the end of semester ill finally be interjecting with my own mumbo jumbo comments. mmm cant wait. hahaha.
time to go study! ill see you crazy kids later today, and if not i hope you all have an awesome fall break and ill see you next week!
heres to macaroni and cheese, talking to your roommate while dreaming, hanging out until the wee morning hours with friends, bubble wrap, and getting to go home,
Lady A of the CYP