Title: A Touch of Memory
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Pairings: Kratos/Anna
Rating: G
Genre: General
Word count: 314
Spoilers: Yes, for Kratos' past.
Prompt: Hands
Summary: While watching Raine, Kratos reflects.
Kratos watched blankly as Raine looked over his arm, her careful fingertips touching his skin in places and her expression concentrated. "It certainly isn't an average burn," she commented finally. The way she said that made him wonder if she was actually planning on healing him or simply poring over the injury with uncanny interest. This was partly why he preferred tending to his wounds rather than accepting another's help; but as it was, his fatigue would stand for no such independence.
After another moment Raine shifted her grip to his hand, holding it steady as she brought the head of her staff down directly over his red skin, and Kratos' gaze followed the movement. Ignoring the familiar glow of her magic and the cool relief that came soon after, he focused on the shape and texture of her thin knuckles and fingers, the latter gentle and soft against his rough palm, and frowned just slightly.
They looked similar. Even the way she held his hand, as innocent and unassuming as it was, brought back memories. Three memories, to be exact: Anna huffing and fussing over the risk he had taken for her sake and tending to his shoulder, disregarding his insistence that he would heal it as soon as he was able; taking Anna's slender hand in his seconds before she agreed to marry him; and the night, several weeks later, he let her tenderly wrap gauze around his bleeding hand only because he knew it made her feel better, never suspecting that she would suddenly look up and tell him with a shy smile that she was pregnant with their son.
Even after Raine finished, Kratos let her be the first to draw away; but once he stood, he paused to offer her his arm and wordlessly help her to her feet, ignoring her following "thank you" and turning to move on.