Title: Two-Way Duel
Fandom: Naruto
Character/s: Sasuke, Kabuto, Orochimaru
Prompt: #090 - Broken
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG (violence, language)
Pain shot down Sasuke's left arm and he spun around, retreating from Kabuto's reach and throwing out a blow with his right hand. Blocked. He went to raise the other and use it as a shield, but was rewarded with another wave of burning pinpricks along his elbow. Chancing a glimpse down, he bit back a hiss.
The bastard had broken his arm.
Sasuke leapt back as Kabuto darted forward, chakra-charged hands flying but never landing. To the side and out of the way, Orochimaru stood with eyes reflecting interest and anticipation at watching his two best go at it.
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