My views on socialism.

Dec 15, 2010 19:50

This is from the heart, Jessica.

So, although I do prefer capitalism (more opportunities and all), I can see the benefits of a socialist economy.  The whole "provide-for-everyone", "no-one-left-behind" thing has got to be nice, and it does make everyone seem good-natured.  But I also think I would feel incredibly unimportant if America were socialist.  It would just be the group; I myself wouldn't mean anything. 
And I think it would annoy me if people started slacking off.  The government would still provide for them...but if they don't do anything, are they really worth it?  That's my question.  
Plus it would annoy me if I was doing all their work for them.
However, getting free food, water, shelter, clothes, house-heating, etc. has got to pay off.  I think that would be nice. 
Still - I think capitalism makes more sense.  We should have to earn our position in life.  Actually, if there was a way we could mix the two, that would be wonderful - because then there wouldn't be too many slackers, and the disabled people would still be okay.

Does this satisfy you?  I hope so~

(And that doll thing is still creeping me out...God, I hope it's like, a picture of a doll, and not an actual doll...why?  What would posses you to give out dolls?  I really don't want a doll that's a Romanized-version of myself.  That's beyond scary.  Just saying.)

jessica buries people in sweaters, socialism

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