Dec 13, 2010 21:13

  1. Name.
  2. I am pretty much the world's biggest creeper.  Or, at least, I think I am.  Which is not something I'm proud of, per say, but I really feel like it needs to be stated here.  In case you were all curious.
  3. (This is probably the real reason I am a Ronnie Radke fan.  Screw all that talent, ETF crap - creepers stick together!  [Laughing at this.])
  4. No one gets number three at all.
  5. When my mother comes home from work in her big trench coat, with a scarf and particular hat, she looks very Russian.
  6. If I tell my mother that she looks very Russian, she will speak to me with a Swedish accent for a good portion of the evening.
  7. My hair will never be perfectly straight, and I should really stop feeling annoyed when it isn't.
  8. Snow can burn, if the snowball you are trying to light on fire is cold and big enough.
  9. If you douse your hand in Off-spray and light it on fire, you will not get burned.
  10. Pyromania has got to run in Sam's family, since both he and Tessa greatly enjoy lighting things on fire.
  11. I believe some of this has rubbed of on Josh and I.
  12. Lighters are amazingly addicting things.
  13. "Out of sight; out of mind" does not exactly work, especially in the case of lighters, people, and (missing) calculators.
  14. Hi Jessica.
  16. (I have evidence of that last one.) 
  17. (I know you don't believe me, but I so do.  It's real.  It's alive.  And it's taking us over.  Just saying.)
  18. (Urban Dictionary is kind of like Twitter in that sense.)
  19. School is only canceled if the temperature outside is 20 below, or 40 below with windchill.  Or if there's so much snow, no one can drive anywhere.  And, oh, would you look at this: it's 6º outside right now.  Lovely.
  20. I really hate these new triangle things we have to do in Geometry.
  21. Holiday coughs suck, especially when they make me miss piano.
  22. I have been prone to obsessiveness/ranting lately.
  23. Kelsey has apparently overcome her fear of men, since "he" (whoever "he" is) does not like her.
  24. 1031.  5 away from 205.
  25. I might have a semester's worth of credits in just French by the time I get to college.  Stoked.

josh, jessica buries people in sweaters, tessa, pete, escape the fate, school, ronnie radke, list, snow, r-a-n-d-o-m, sam, creepy shiz, may-sun, french

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