"It's kind of a Gremlin-scream"

Feb 09, 2010 21:16

Okkkkaaaaaaayyyyyy....So, if you haven't noticed (or maybe you just are reading this late, or aren't even in the same state as me [you know who you are {these brackets are sweet right?}])...

I'll just start over.

If you haven't noticed, it is snowing like crazy outside right now. Really blowing. I'm not sure if any of the snow is actually hitting the ground; it might just be swirling around in the air, I have no idea. "Snowing, but mostly blowing," my mom says.

I wonder if school is going to be canceled tomorrow. I actually kind of hope it isn't, and that we get a delay, or a snow day on Thursday. I don't want a snow day tomorrow because I wouldn't be at school anyway. I'm going to this writing thing...it's in Manitowoc. Yeah. Ask me about it later if you're really that interested. Leave a comment or something; I love comments. ^_^


Still, it is nice to see the snow. I love snow. It's so fluffy and white and happy. :D I've decided that this whole "February-half-melted-snow-slush" thing kind of sucks. Not a big fan. If it's going to be cold out, then there might as well be snow, you know?

Not that I mind the cold. I like that I can wear jeans for most of the year. (Well, half. Three fourths?) I like jeans.


This is one of those moments where I suddenly forget what I was going to say. I hate it when this happens. Gr.

Oh, I know: let's talk about SCHOOL. Oh boy.

School is good. Art and French are still probably my two favorite classes...I don't know. I love art, and we got chocolate in French today, which makes it a totally awesome class at the moment.

I think I'd like language as well, seeing as I love the whole writing aspect of it, and two of my best friends are in that class with me...but honestly, language is boring as hell right now. I hate grammar. I just hate it. Really, I don't need to sit in a class room and study semicolons for thirty minutes straight, thanks - I get how to use them; I don't need any help. I feel like we're just learning a bunch of stuff I already know how to work with, even though I might not always be able to put a name to it. And the fact that I have already read The Giver (which is the book that we are reading) doesn't exactly help much either.

I have a B in math. I'm working hard to change that. Let's hope my work pays off, eh?

Science sucks.

History is actually getting interesting. It was not boring at all today. Good. :)

Sometimes I think I complain too much...do I? I don't know.

I really want to see that new Alice In Wonderland movie that's coming out - it's going to be awesome. For some reason, I thought it came out on February 5th rather than March 5th...I had plans to go see it and everything, haha. But really, it looks so cool. Can't wait.

You know what else? (I don't know why I just thought of this, but I'm going to tell you anyway) I think I'm going to get another pair of white Converse shoes. Or I've got to find some way to get the sharpie off of my current ones. I want to redraw them very, very bad. I have all these colorful sharpies and absolutely nothing to color. Haha.


I think that's all.

Yeah. It is.


When did I start writing closings for entries anyway? I think I won't write one this time. Just to be rebellious. I'll just end randomly, when you're least 

alice in wonderland, shoes, my life updates, school, sharpies, snow, r-a-n-d-o-m

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