young and stupid

Jul 02, 2011 14:58

Greetings, earthlings. This is another iPad post, just for the record. If you were curious.

Right now, I'm in our condo, by the beach. With Aunt Mary andAunt Roxy. And Jake, too...and my mom left to go to the grocery store. My cousin Heather's dog is here too...his name is Howie, and he's pretty much the absolute cutesy thing on the planet. He must weigh like, five pounds, andhesall fluffy. He loves me. We have a deep, metaphysical bond.

Except, problem. He's really not supposed to be here - as in, rule number seven on the condo-rental-agreements specifically says "PETS are NOT allowed anywhere on the premises." I already snuck him out in a bag to go for a walk; no ones seen him yet.
And then, we're also cramming sixteen people in a room that's not allowed more than seven, soi guess we're just breaking the rules all around, aren't we?

My brother keeps lying to me, insisting What Not To Wear is on TV, and evvverytime I look - nothing, evil child. He has no right to get my hopes up like that. Rude.
Anyhow. Again.

Yesterday. Let's talk about yesterday. We went to Universal Studios...well, no, that's lying. It was Islands Of Adventure, but I honestly don't think many people Know the difference and the two parks are literally right next door so it doesn't even matter.
(the auto-correct on here is starting to frighten me. My appologies of this stops making sense.)
The new Harry Potter world they built is absolutely spectacular, just going on record...the DETAIL, oh my God. Amazing. They've practically got a whole little village built...Hogsmede!!! Probably spelled that wrong but whatever. We got butterbeer, and a want at Olivanders, and candy at was pretty cool. And the rides were fun. :)
I also won an Angry Birds stuffed animal FYI. This is amazing. I named him Hugo. Don't hide your jealousy.

It's all good here.

badass moments, angry birds, ipad, family stuff, florida baby, hl., harry potter geek, my life updates, howieeee

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