my hopes are so high that your kiss might kill meeeee~

Jun 27, 2011 15:35

G'day, guv'nah!  (That's my British impression.  Don't act like you aren't convinced.)
I can't decide if there's a lot on my mind, or nothing at all.  It's a very strange feeling.  Maybe if I was actually British, I wouldn't have this problem?  No.  That's not it.  I've got more to think about then a fake wanna-be accent.
Really, I just wanted to type "g'day guv'nah".  It's so fun to say.  I doubt people in England even talk like that anyway.

Today's a good day for some Dashboard Confessional. (And this entry is going to be all over the place - consider yourself warned).  It's kind of grey out, but not quite raining, as if the sky can't really make up it's mind.  That's the sort of weather I associate with Dashboard Confessional.  Grey and gloomy, but oddly beautiful in it's own sense.
That, or maybe a beach, at sunset.  Not sunrise, sunset.  But then, that could simply be because the cover of Dusk And Summer features a beach.  At sunset.  And Chris Carrabba.  Standing there.  Staring forlornly off into the distance.  At that very sunset.  
How moving.

But, but!  In my desperate search to find something "productive" to do (besides packing for FL, which I depart to come Thursday), I decided to do some research...and, OH MY GOD THEY HAVE A NEW ALBUM OUT, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL.  HOLY ELFGJTERBGWWFUUUU...DGE. WHY DO I NOT OWN THIS.  This is a crime.  This is awful.  This is a true tragedy - right up there with Hurricane Catrina, and maybe the Hindenburg.  I need this.  Heavens.
Well, I guess I know what I'm doing tonight - buying Alter The Ending, and completely rocking out.  (Because, you know.  Dashboard Confessional is really the sort of music you "rock out " to.  Hardcore.  Uh huhhhhh, okay.)

"A room full of music and people isn’t so strange. The trick is filling the spaces in between. When truth finds a melody, strangers disappear, and suddenly everyone belongs."
That's something else I found on the site.  Absolutely beautiful.  I rather like it.  Rather a lot.

But this week is big, in the world of music - well, my world of music.  Because, as I just told you, I intend to buy Alter The Ending tonight, and then Taking Back Sunday's new self titled album comes out tomorrow - which I am stoked out of my mind for, by the way.  It's going to be amazing.  It's streaming on their site as I speak, but I'm holding myself back from listening, because I enjoy the experience of buying an album and laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, and listening to it the whole way through.  One of the many little pleasures in life, there - at least in my world.
But.  TBS is going to be awesome.  All their new stuff they've come out with has been great, and their old stuff always was.  They say it reminds them of Tell All Your Friends, which is my favorite of all their albums, so that's good.  I'm really excited.

In other music news - my mother and I found all our old CDs from Phoenix.  Mixed CDs, "mystery" CDs...we found a lot of good stuff.  So now there's this entire playlist on my ipod that pretty much gives me waves of flashbacks whenever I listen to it.  Maybe if the sun showed up a little more often, and things were a little less green and a little more urbanized, I could almost fool myself into being back in Paradise Valley.  Maybe. If I held my breath and closed my eyes and thought really, really hard, just maybe.  

taking back sunday, weather, british guv'nah, music, arizona, dashboard confessional, i have a life, scottsdale

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