I got a lot of posts after my last LJ update asking about the new anthology. It'll be released from Benbella Books sometime in 2008. I just got the contract yesterday, and that was the first I had heard of it. So as I find out more information, I'll make that available to you guys.
If you want to read it now, or you can't wait until benbella releases it, it now appears in the second of the Bubbas anthologies. The title of that little gem is: The Four Bubbas Of the Apocolypse: Flatulance, Halitosis, Incest and Ned.
Yes, it's a classy little number.
To find out more about what I've already written and is out there, you can check out my author's website:
http://www.tracysmorris.com What I have out:
1. my book: Tranquility, is one half of Double Dog #2, which is availbe at Yard Dog Press. It's a little like Supernatural meets smallville (except that I wrote it a year before smallville started, and published it two years before Supernatual) . Four residents of a strange, smallville-like town investigate the weird thing that goes bump in the night.
2. My Chapbook: Medieval misfits. Parodies serious, sword and sorcery-type fantasy.
3. The bubbas anthologies that I am in, specifically out of four anthologies are: The four bubbas of the apocolypse, and International House of Bubbas.
All of those are avalible through amazon, or through the publisher's website.
http://www.yarddogpress.com If you order directly from the publisher, they make more money, and then I make more money. Amazon takes about 75% of the cover price. If you order from the publisher, they keep what amazon would have taken, and pass it on to the writers and cover artitsts.
2. Geek Chic is my nonfiction essay about the character Marshall Flinkman from Alias. The anthology is in the Benbella books anthology Alias Assumed: Sex, Lies and SD-6. I'm certain that it is also availalbe through amazon and through Benbella's website. (some of you may already be famillliar with Benbella Books. Their smart pop line also released Seven Seasons of Buffy. ) Their website is
http://www.benbellabooks.com I think that covers it.