Fic: Coyote, Wolf and Hound (4/9)

Mar 03, 2008 08:14

Fic: Coyote, Wolf and Hound (4/9)
Series: Special Projects
Summary: The honeymoon is over and the Winchester family settles into family life by doing what they do best: Hunting.  This time they head into the Superstition mountains to look into another beheading case.  Can you say Lost Dutchman Mine?
Author: pen37
Beta: Strangevisitor7
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean
Rating: pg-13
This is a part of the Special Projects series. You can find the rest of the series here.
Also submitted for the Crossovers_100 challenge. Prompt # 81 Mountain.

Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9

Chloe sat on her bed, surrounded by books on native lore that she’d picked up in the gift shop of the Lost Dutchman State Park, hiking equipment that she and the boys would need for going into the desert for an undetermined length of time and maps of the park that local outfitters had provided her with.

As she caught relevant passages, she marked them in the book and copied them into her database.

Pima oral tradition contains a variant of the Noah’s Ark legend in which a shaman named Suha and his wife survived a flood and came to rest in the Supersition mountains. According to legends, an ‘evil one’ named Hauk stole away Suha’s daughter. Suha and his daughter poisoned Hauk, but the Pima say that his evil spirit still haunts the Superstitions.

She made a mental note to double check with Sam for other references to an evil spirit named Hauk. The more she checked with the local legends, the more she felt like she was going in circles. Part of the problem was that there weren’t the neat little tribes that history assigned to the area. Most of the groups in the west were at least partially nomadic, and there was quite a bit of cultural crossover.

There were hundreds of stories involving the personification of an archetypal being as an animal. For example, depending on the region and tribe, the trickster was represented as Fox, Coyote, Raven and even Rabbit. The wise and noble shaman-teacher might appear in the guise of Spider, Wolf, Coyote, Raven or Turtle. Because the stories were all mixed together, she was having trouble keeping them aligned with their source.

And if it was hard to keep all the teaching stories straight, she became hopelessly lost when she started in on the creation myths: There were so many variations on the stories in which the underworld or worlds stacked under this one like pancakes. In one version of the Navajo legends, a pair of warrior brothers named Monster Slayer and Child of Water had led the people up from the underworld, and protected them. In another it was Spider, who then provided light by placing a silken ball of her own webbing in the sky for the moon, and a bleached deerskin for the sun.

And then there were the bear-as-shapeshifter stories.

She raked her hands through her short, unruly hair and shook her head. Research wasn’t always this convoluted. Before she could dive back into the fray, her ringing phone caught her attention.

“Saved by the bell,” she muttered as she picked it up. She glanced at the caller ID for a moment and frowned.

It was Lois. Briefly, she considered not answering. She was still steamed at her cousin for telling her Dad a few of the more incriminating tidbits about Dean's past. But the opportunity to vent about it was more than Chloe could pass up. Instead she thumbed the talk button and lifted the phone to her ear.

“Why didn't you tell me you got married?” Lois said.

She snarled in annoyance. This was obviously going to be one of those machine-gun, rapid fire arguments that was so typical of the Sullivan-Lane girls. Over with quickly, but with lots of collateral damage. “Where did you hear that?”

“From Mrs. K.”

“And who told her?”

“Her intern, Jo.”

“Jo knows?” Chloe threw her hands in the air. “How does Jo - Sam. I thought they weren't speaking.”

“Guess again. Does your dad know?”

Chloe sighed. “Do you honestly think I would get married without telling my dad?”

“I didn't think you'd get married without telling me,” Lois snapped.

“Well, it was a really interesting conversation, considering that I had to explain a few things about Dean to him. And while I'm on the subject, there was a reason that I didn't tell him that his new son-in-law had things in common with Lucy to begin with.”

“Don't you think he had a right to know?” Lois asked.

“Gee, I don't know, Lo. Have you told The General all about Clark?”

There was a long pause on the line in which Chloe imagined that Lois' jaw was hanging open. She spluttered defensively. “That's different, and you know it.”

“That's what I thought.”

“Look I just thought that maybe, since Uncle Gabe is roaming around Europe looking for guys like Dean, that he ought to at least know what to look for?”

“Jo's a hunter too. You ever think to point her out?”

“So you're mad at me. I get it. Did you have to sneak off and get married?”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Excuse me? I was under the impression that my cousin was Lois Lane-Kent. Because I know she's not as epically self-centered as Lana.”

There was a sullen quietness on the other end of the line.

“Lo, Remember when you and Clark got married? It was a nice ceremony, and everyone up to and including The Planet staff, the Justice League in disguise, half of the Senate, Shelby and the Cows were there. Throw in all the oddball hunter types that Sam and Dean know, and that's so not for Dean and me.”

“You might have a point,” Lois said grudgingly. “I still would have liked to have been there.”

Chloe sighed. Eating crow wasn't easy, and it was as close as Lois could come to an apology. So now it was her turn to give a little. “Tell you what. We could still hold a reception. If you want to, you and Mrs. Kent could get together and maybe plan a little something?”

“Really?” Chloe could hear Lois' excitement on the other end of the line. “Great! I'll arrange for Uncle Gabe to fly in, and get the old gang back together. You'll love this, baby cuz.”

Chloe's eyes widened at the sound of Lois' plans. Maybe she'd get lucky, and the demon in the Lex suit would keep her cousin busy with digging up Luthorcorp dirt, and there wouldn't be time to throw something that elaborate together. Or hell, maybe she could call it and ask for a favor.

Stranger things have happened.

* * *

Morning comes early on the high desert, announcing it's presence by shoving the stars aside with the barest glow before staining the sky's rim with hints of rosy pink. By the time the sun rises, all of nature's paintbox has spilled across the sky and onto the stark land below.

In this environment, Chloe Dean and Sam stood outside the visitor's center of the Lost Dutchman State Park, studying the map of hiking trails.

“I don't see why we need all this stuff,” Dean complained as he hitched his army duffel higher onto his shoulder.

“Water?” Sam looked at him incredulously. “Food?”

“Okay sure,” Dean shrugged before looking slyly at Chloe. “Darlin', did you pack me some M&M's?”

Chloe gave him an amused smile. “Chocolate in the desert?”

“Come on! They melt in your mouth, not in your hand.”

“Who do I look like, Dean?”

Dean raised his eyebrows at that. “The woman I married?”

“So that makes it my job to pack your M&M's?”

“It would be nice,” Dean muttered.

Chloe rolled her eyes, and then reached into her shirt pocket, pulled out a familiar yellow bag and passed it to him.

Dean grinned like a five-year-old as he took the bag. He tore into it before shooting Sam a smug, triumphant look.

Sam frowned, then looked at Chloe. “You know that you're just being his enabler.”

Chloe shrugged. “What can I say? He's cute.” She checked to make sure that her CamelBak was full of water, shouldered her pack, and then jammed a straw hat down on her head.

“What's with the hat?” Sam asked.

“It'll keep me from burning,” she said. “You and Dean may get those nice California tans, but out in the sun like this, I go from pasty white to lobster red. -- which itches like crazy until I can get out of the sun and let the healing kick in. It's annoying. So I'd rather wear a hat.”

“Maybe we should wear hats?” Sam asked as he looked up at Dean.

“Already taken care of, Dude.” Dean reached into his bag, and pulled out a pink bucket hat with strawberries on it. He presented it to Sam with a smirk.

Sam frowned, snatched the hat from Dean, and stuffed it into his back pocket.

“You're not going to wear it? It's Strawberry Shortcake. Your favorite.”

“Dude,” The younger Winchester narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. “Just . . . forget it.”

special projects, crossovers_100, supernatural, chloe, chloe/dean, sam, smallville, dean

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