Continuing with the fandom meme (Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions.),
gabolange gave me The X-Files, Stargate: SG-1, and Battlestar Galactica.
more meme )
And oh, yes, the birth was HORRIBLE. The thing with Bones, though, is that it jumped the shark for me about two seasons ago (with periodic signs of life thereafter, but mostly all downhill after Booth's brain tumor). So I guess for me, as bad as this season has been, it hasn't been (at least the couple of eps I've seen) any worse than last season, for instance. My point is not that it's any good--it's definitely not--but rather that it's not getting Booth and Brennan together that has ruined it. Consummating the relationship, and even throwing in a baby plot of doom, has not fundamentally altered the dynamics of the show (in this case, consistently terrible), even though that's clearly what the creators feared. Basically, even though Bones is still dreadful this season, I think it's proof that the "Moonlighting curse" is dumb, so Castle should just get Castle and Beckett together, already.
I don't think allowing the main characters to get together spells doom for a show. I've known shows that pull it off. Recently, Chuck is one that I think was able to do that and it didn't end because of that, rather, it was time to wrap-up the overall story
Actually, I think that unresolved UST that goes on and on just annoys folks to the point of not watching. And there are other plot contrivances that do that as well. When something works for a show, the tendency is to keep that something going far beyond what is credible.
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