this year the end of the year fic roundup does not warrant its own post

Dec 20, 2010 18:40

Grades signed, sealed, and delivered!!! *collapses* I may have to reevaluate the wisdom of making my major essay/assignment thingie due right at the end of term. Pros: relatively few late papers trickling in, and there's also a bit of the whole "pulling off the band-aid" effect (if one can pull off a bandaid for two weeks straight). Cons: I HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT GRADE FOR TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT. We're talking 12-hour days, day after day after day, and if you've not spent much time grading undergraduate essays in bulk, you have no idea how soul-sucking that is!!!

Also, whenever the kiddos start writing about ebooks and digital media, I start to feel so old, which is just wrong, given that I'm only 30. Even the ones that are hardcore physical bibliophiles (much more so than I am, really) have very little sense of how new, say, the internet is. Meanwhile, I'm thinking about the rise and fall of (WOE!!! I mean, I kind of got out of the habit of using it for my own bookmarking needs, but I still think it's fabulously useful) and before that the rise and fall of geocities, and AOL, etc. Ah well.

It's been a great class, though, and I've had the most feedback in the "this course made me think about and question things I'd always taken for granted before" line that I've ever gotten, which is like a sweet and soothing balm to my teacher heart!!!!! (Of course, at the same time, I'm thinking increasingly seriously about abandoning the classroom for the library, and also partly as a result of this class. We shall see.)


Anyway. Another semester put to rest, and tomorrow it's off to have holidays with the family. I probably will work on some fic in the last 10 days of 2010, but I almost certainly won't post any of it before 2011, so I might as well do the annual fic roundup a few days early. I began my 2009 fic roundup by saying, "I haven't written much this year," and sadly, that's even more true of 2010. In fact, I didn't write anything in 2010 that even required betaing! (In my defense, however, I wrote a PhD dissertation in 2009 and 2010, so there's at least a good reason for the decline in fannish productivity.) But for the sake of completion, have a list of the ficcish bits and bobs of 2010:

Five Things Gillian Foster Has Never Told Anyone (Lie to Me)

Five Times James Ellison Didn't Feel Like a Father (TSCC)
Five Times Zoe and Gillian Met (and Passed the Bechdel Test (Lie to Me)
The Group of Beloved Female Characters Who Got Screwed in the End (multi-fandom)

And...that's it! I think I'll skip the reflective questions this year, except to record a few of my fic-writing hopes for the next year. Primarily, I hope to write more fic in 2011! I've got Irina Derevko in progress, hopefully to debut in January sometime. And there's at least one other Alias fic that I will probably have to write, now that I've decided I like Sydney, too. It also appears that the Leverage fic in my head is actually an Eliot character study?????? Yeah, I have no idea, except, well, I totally went to high school with Eliot. Also, I have things to say about River Song. Plus more, I hope. In fact, hopefully 2011 will be a year of more fannish engagement overall. (And possibly the year I finally let chaila43 and beccatoria teach me how to vid???) Stay tuned to find out!

Happy Holidays, dear ones!

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

fic, teaching

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