testing the crossposting (plus bonus links!)

Sep 19, 2010 22:08

I was poking at an LJ comm the other day in which people were commenting with their Facebook identities. Rationally, I can't think of anything wrong with this (it's a public comm, after all, and if other people want to link their LJs and Facebooks, so be it), but I was still kind of squicked out, and I've let it be the thing that pushed me over into the world of crossposting from DW. I expect my LJ will remain my primary journal for a while--that's still where most of my people are located--but
chaila had a point, I think, when she said that community at DW isn't going to build itself if we're all just hanging out at LJ waiting for enough people to land over here. At some point I'll probably set up some reading filters so that I'm not getting double posts from everyone who is crossposting, but I do intend to be hanging out on both sites, keeping comments enabled on both sites, etc. for the foreseeable future.

Now that that's out of the way, have a bit of this and that:

Castle returns tomorrow (WOOT!!!), and what better way to cap off your hiatus than with a fialka fic! What There Is is our characters mid-summer, unresolved, living their lives. I've said it before, but nobody writes these characters--and especially Kate Beckett--like Fialka does; this fic is no exception.

One of the great accidental confluences of my life is that my birthday week is also Singles Week! Lots of blogging here and there about life as a single person, about alternatives to marriage, etc. Very US-centric, unfortunately (the full name is actually National Unmarried and Single Americans Week), but not entirely inapplicable to life elsewhere, I should think (not inapplicable to life in Canada, at least--I can vouch for that).

This may not be interesting or relevant to many of you, but I experienced great joy today when I discovered On the Fence, a blog about people who can't decide whether or not to leave academia. Or perhaps more appropriately, a blog about the people who are trying to decide at what point the chronic bad pay, employment uncertainty, and general hellishness of the kinds of temporary academic jobs that the vast majority of people have to do when they finish their PhDs becomes too much: how do you know when it's time to cut and run? I haven't figured out the answer to that question yet, myself, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. This post, on the lies our grad professors tell us myth of the tenure-track academic job is particularly fabulous and SO MUCH MY LIFE, OMG!

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

single, i need a job!, castle, fic rec, academic stuff

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