prompt me!

May 22, 2010 15:18

I have a number of fics I want to be working on, but I can't quite seem to get back in the fic writing groove. So I'm soliciting drabble/five things prompts: I'll write a drabble or five things for the first five people to comment (possibly more if I feel like it, but I'm only committing to five at this point). Y'all know more or less what I watch/have watched, yes? And I'll confess to a preference for gen prompts at present, but I would not refuse to write something pairing-oriented if that's how the spirit is moving you today.

And have yesterday and today in the TV Meme:

Day 21 - Favorite ship

I'm a little inclined to be a smartass and answer "Moya." ;)

But presumably that's not the kind of ship they're talking about...

I'm not sure whether I can entirely narrow this one down to one, but I suppose I can settle on two pairings that I love for very different reasons.

First, John and Aeryn, for being one of the best-characterized and best-utilized depictions of romance on television, pretty much ever. I've never 'shipped them fannishly all that much, but I think that's because they don't work like other fannish pairings. If you love Farscape, you kind of have to love, or at least have a very high tolerance for, John/Aeryn. If you write even vaguely canonical Farscape fic that involves the main cast, John/Aeryn is there, whether in the foreground or the background. And anything fic writers might think to do with them, the show did itself, usually better. It's less a 'ship and more just a reality of the show's canon. Not that I don't have my issues with some of what happened with John and Aeryn (*coughs*season four*coughs*), but for the most part, this is probably the most sophisticatedly-written romantic pairing on any television show I've seen. Not to mention the hottest!

But John/Aeryn isn't characteristic of the way I think of fannish 'shipping, and they're not the pairing to which I will forever compare all other pairings. For that, there's no 'ship like the original 'ship: Mulder and Scully. Mulder and Scully went off the rails quite a bit at the end, as well, but for the first seven seasons (yes, I was a hardcore 'shipper, so I loved seasons six and seven, as well), they pushed all of my 'shipper buttons. Quite possibly they created my 'shipper buttons. The partnership thing, the you're-the-only-one-I-trust thing, the saving-each-other's-lives thing, the unhealthy codependency thing, the glorious UST, the thing where fangirls everywhere would go all aflail if they stared at each other a little too long, and a handhold would launch a thousand post-ep fics. I've gotten much more ambivalent about the idea of Mulder and Scully as the years have gone by--now I have a very strong urge to yell at season 1 Scully to run as fast as she can in the other direction while she still can--but oh, did I ever love me some MSR back in the day. I still get a little nostalgic about it, and most of the 'shipping I do these days totally has Mulder and Scully in the background.

Day 22 - Favorite series finale

Is it cheating to say The West Wing's "Institutional Memory"? It was not the finale, but it captured for me the perfect sense of endings and closure and new beginnings and everything bittersweet about saying goodbye to beloved friends.

If I have to go with one that was actually the series finale, though, Babylon 5's "Sleeping in Light." Again, such a strong and bittersweet sense of closure, of the celebration of a beloved story and beloved characters, and perhaps best of all, the sense of shared history and memory. It was in some ways a bit too John/Delenn-focused for my taste (since I never felt the story was primarily their story), but overall, it was a really splendid and fitting ending.

farscape, the west wing, x-files, 30 days of tv meme, babylon 5

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