fic moratorium

Nov 29, 2009 23:08

In the face of the mountain of impossible things I must accomplish in the next three weeks, I'm giving up fanfic for the time being. Considering the quality of the fanfic I've been reading lately (oh Pit of Voles, what would we do without you?!?), this is no great loss. I announce it for two reasons:

1) So that no one feels bad if you post something in the next few weeks and think I should read it and I don't, and

2) So that I can request that people point out exceptions to the fic moratorium to me, if you don't mind. Exceptions include anything that you've written that you really want me to see. If it's 5,000 words or less, I will read gleefully. If it's more than that, I will try to get to it when I get a moment. Exceptions also include anything exceptional (in my preferred fandoms, under 5000 words) that you think I would enjoy--short fanfic does make great morning coffee reading, but I don't have time to go look for it. And finally, exceptions include anything involving James Ellison, preferably with Sarah Connor, of whatever length.

I've unwatched my fic comms, so I'm unlikely to see some of this stuff on my own. I'm NOT asking for recs on any kind of a large scale and would be happy enough if no one points anything out to me. But neither do I want to miss anything exceptional, so if you see something and think, for whatever reason, "hey, pellucid would like this!" would you be so kind as to drop me a link?

As you were.
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