more top fives

Aug 07, 2009 21:13

First, an apology! aurora_novarum asked for my favorite "another fine mess you've gotten us into" moments for SG-1, and I've been wracking my brain for three days, and it turns out that my recollection of the show on that level is just gone! I mean, I've never been terribly good with details about specific scenes (and I'm especially bad with dialogue), and SG-1 isn't a show I've ever really rewatched. It's all just gone! I know there were so many of those moments that it's a whole thing, to the point where "Bad Guys" spoofs the entire phenomenon, and I can hear Jack saying "Daniel!?" and "Carter?!" in that voice, but the specifics are a giant blank. Sorry! This one was hard!!!

Moving on to things I was actually able to answer:

From a_loquita, Top five lol moments (I feel like there's a particular internet usage of "lol" that is more specific than a literal "I laughed out loud," but I'm not sure I'm a master of that particular nuance. So this is just my top really funny moments.)

5. Teal'c, PI

4. Farscape, "Out of their Minds" (yes, an entire episode can be a "moment")

3. CJ's woot canaw and the president's secret plan to fight inflation

2. Marcus and Steven, "I am the very model of the modern Major-General" (B5)

1. Darren Nichols' poststructuralist production of Romeo and Juliet in Slings and Arrows. There are not many moments in which I have literally had to pause the television so that I could laugh until I cried. This is one of them.

And from beccatoria, Top five moments of METAGASM! A bit BSG-heavy, unsurprisingly, which sort of makes me sad now, since I ultimately felt pretty let down on points 2 and 4, but at least glad they left Kobol mostly alone, thereby ensuring that they didn't screw it up.

5. Odo and Kira, "Children of Time" (I hesitate to put this in this category because I'm not sure it's quite the same thing as the others, but it certainly made me want to analyze their relationship, and Odo's character, a LOT.)

4. The Temple of the Five stuff in "Eye of Jupiter"/"Rapture"--the first hints of crossover between Cylon and human religion

3. Ellison and robots and religion--generally, but if I had to pick one moment, let's go with the Dr. Silberman scenes in "The Demon Hand"

2. Roslin trying to steal the election (this a very character-specific metagasmic moment)

1. Large swaths of "Home, part 2"
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