anecdote of svelteness; also, a meme

Aug 04, 2009 13:27

So I have been endeavoring to cut out sugar and other refined carbs from my diet for a number of reasons that have little to do with weight, but one of the nice side effects has been that I have dropped a few pounds so far. Nothing drastic, but a persistent pound or so a week over the past month, with the result that clothes are a bit more comfortable and I generally feel rather pleased with my body. This morning, however, I began to pull on my jeans and got a bit stuck. I wiggled and shimmied and thought, "what on earth! I know I did not have the healthiest of eating days yesterday, and I know I never feel particularly thin during this particular time of the month, but why won't my jeans fit?!?!?!?" And then, once I'd managed to get them on I realized they were still zipped and buttoned. Which left me feeling slightly idiotic, but also very svelte. :) I may soon have to expand my belt collection...

And because I've had a crackerjack dissertation morning, how about the lovely, time-wasting meme that the cool kids seem to be doing:

Ask me my fannish Top Five [Whatevers]. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post. Possibly with pictures.
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