
Jun 28, 2009 20:19

I'm heading out tomorrow for a week at my parents' house. It is an excellent time for a vacation! I plan to be quite slothful, and after the insanity of the past couple of months, I think I've earned it. :D

It occurs to me that the bsg_remix stories will start being posted sometime this week while I'm on internet lite. Should the person who remixed my story happen to read this (either because you're on my flist or because you've wandered over here wondering why I haven't commented to thank you for whatever doubtlessly cool thing you've done to my story), know that I will certainly be jumping at the chance to read and thank you for whatever doubtlessly cool thing you've done to my story once I'm back home and have more regular internet access. This could take a few days, and rest assured that I'm not ignoring the story out of any kind of ill feeling. I'm just out of town.

That goes for anything else that should come up in the next week. I'll be checking email and will probably have time to skim the flist from time to time but not to read at length. This is actually not much different than my reading practices during these very busy past few weeks. Do be sure to leave me a comment or an email if there's anything you especially want me to see, for some reason.

*hugs and smooches* Catch you all on the flip side!
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