1. Star Trek movie!!! I sort of expected to be indifferent. I was spoiled, I've read all the arguments for and against, and I've seen a total of maybe two eps of TOS ever, so I wasn't terribly invested one way or the other. And I admit I was a little irritated about the women and a little more irritated about how blatantly the American myth of anti-intellectual, gut leadership was glorified in the film, but mostly I just found the whole thing perfectly delightful and couldn't actually manage to be annoyed by the parts that should have annoyed me. I laughed at the funny bits, grinned like a dork at the in-jokes I got (which were probably not all of them--now I want to actually watch TOS to fill in that gap in my cultural knowledge), was inordinately touched by Leonard Nimoy, and was completely charmed by the fact that the actors were all clearly having the time of their lives doing this. It was like Star Trek, except not quite, and perhaps I'm just enough of a Star Trek fan while still not being a true Trekker for that to be exactly the right button for the film to push for me. I mean, it wasn't great cinema, but I had a really good time!
2. I shouldn't have been so surprised to love this fic because it's
mylittleredgirl writing Babylon 5, and, well, that has a high probability of being awesome right there, I think. But it's Ivanova/Garibaldi, and when I saw that my first reaction was "wha-huh???" because Ivanova/Garibaldi, seriously??? Just...trust me. It's awesome and splendidly in-character!
Dead Souls by
mylittleredgirl, AU season 5. Little Red gives it a PG-13 rating; I'm not sure I wouldn't have bumped that up to R, myself. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Susan Ivanova!!! And that's too rare a thing.