a new little infatuation

Apr 26, 2009 22:08

Is it possible the exams are multiplying??? The grading!!! 'Tis AWFUL!!!!! Even more awful than usual, despite the fact that a) they're exams, so I don't have to comment, and b) my students are actually doing pretty well.

Coming up for air amidst the grading this weekend has involved a lovely brunch with grav_ity this morning. And Bones. With which I am suddenly slightly infatuated. I have not yet figured out why, exactly...

There are the kinds of shows that I feel actively and intellectually fannish about (and about which I am really picky about fic, typically preferring messy, complicated, angsty, and gen), and then there are the kinds of shows that scratch a particular brainless-but-entertaining itch (and about which I will devour fic, the shippier the better, especially if it's a pairing that hits my unrequited cop partner buttons). There have been a few recent candidates for the show du jour in the latter category (I've needed something to replace SVU, which I seem to have entirely given up, for real this time, I swear!), but Bones was not one of them.

I'd tried watching Bones before. Several times. I had never gotten through an entire episode. I couldn't put my finger on what wasn't working for me, but it just...really wasn't working for me. Plus, I think I'm automatically turned off by people who name their fictional characters things like "Temperance" and "Seeley." I mean, seriously? And what on earth are the chances that two people with the misfortune to be named Temperance and Seeley, respectively, would end up working together?

So I'd tried Bones and it was not my thing. Then the other night I needed a break from grading, and an episode of Bones was pretty much the only thing on television. So I watched. And I finished the episode. And then I hit the internet looking for more episodes. And then I started reading fic--of which there is a copious amount, most of it quite readable, and some of it rather good. And now I'm making myself bargains like "if you mark ten more exams, you can watch another episode of Bones."

I...have no idea. I don't quite know what it is that I'm finding slightly addicting. Is it the way that Booth and Brennan are always in each other's personal space? Is it the sense I get that the two of them are not all that fraught with angst and the-world-will-end-if-we-requite-our-unrequited-and-vaguely-defined-thing (because after SVU yanking my chain for years, I'm all about less fraught cop partners)? Is it the fact that omg Stephen Fry is a guest star? Is it simply the massive availability of the show and the fic makes it the fictional equivalent of empty calories to munch on while I'm grading?

I know there are many of you who are fans of this show. Tell me why (ie, help me figure out why I'm suddenly enamored). Rec me fic. Rec me your favorite episodes. I've still got another 60 exams to get through, after all...

grading, bones

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