BSG: Islanded in a Stream of Stars

Mar 07, 2009 13:47

I watched first this morning by myself and was pissed off about some bits and liked other bits better, and thought I would generally have things to say.

And then I rewatched with R. and everything that pissed me off did so about a hundred times more the second time through, and everything I liked before was not enough to make me care, and I think ultimately I have only this to say:

LAURA ROSLIN IS NO MAN'S "WOMAN"!!!!!!!!!!!! And how dare they pull out EVERY DAMNED BAD A/R FIC CLICHE IN THE FRAKKING BOOK and make explicit everything I was afraid I was seeing, even when everyone else was all, "no, no they don't really mean to imply that Laura is only fulfilled in this relationship, etc." YEAH, WELL GUESS WHAT. THEY MEANT IT.



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