
Mar 04, 2009 10:30

This is getting recced far and wide, but I shall join my voice to the chorus. charmax's Unnatural Selection is one of the coolest vids I have EVER seen. It takes my two favorite robot apocalypse shows, BSG and TSCC, and tosses them together with a healthy dose of Charles Darwin, and the result is mindblowing and visually stunning. Robots, apocalypses, religion, evolution.

What's with all the awesomesauce vids lately?!?!? You vidders are rocking!


This, however, is the opposite of awesome. The two child actors from Slumdog Millionaire were apparently plucked out of the slums to appear in the film and then to look all cute at the Oscars--and then were dropped back into the slums. Where they are apparently not doing well at all. There have been promises of better housing for them but it has not yet materialized, and as my roommate, who is something of an expert on the city of Bombay/Mumbai, points out, even if the families are given better homes, are the parents going to be given work? A means of getting to work even if they have it? And what about all of the children of the slums who didn't get all this international attention and consequently have no chance of trips to Hollywood or better housing?

I admit I have not yet seen the film, but it sounds like for whatever it may be doing well, it's also walking some ambiguous and potentially sketchy lines.


I can't decide whether I prefer the students who email saying they want to "discuss" their tests, which is a not-so-subtle euphemism for "complain about my grade," or whether I prefer the ones who send the diatribe-y email saying outright that they're complaining about the grade and feel they deserved something different. I mean, at least the latter is forthright? In any event, I've got a list of both kinds of meetings to have in the next week, which is always fun. For values of "fun" that mean "pretty much the worst part of teaching."


Because I'm developing an unhealthy obsession with Judging Amy, I find myself terribly annoyed that there is almost NO fic at all for this show. Even the pit of voles has very little at all, and of course 90% of what is there is unreadable (which, uh, doesn't mean I haven't tried to read it...). Sometimes one just wants moderately well-written, brainless fic candy! And I'm starting to feel like I'm going to have to write it myself for it to exist. Except for the part where I don't really know how to write brainless fic candy. And haven't really seen that much of the show to begin with. I should really be dissuaded from this idea, I think. I have a list of other things I should be writing...

teaching, do i really need a judging amy tag?, vid rec

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