Item the first: Yesterday's
'shipping discussion was so much fun!!!! So many interesting thoughts and comments, which you should all check out and continue contributing to if you like!
My broad conclusion is that yes, as I suspected, we tend to mean a whole host of different things when we talk about 'shipping. My narrow and personal conclusion is that it turns out that I'm really not much of a happy ending kind of girl after all. I'm pretty sure I knew this about myself (and apparently it's been evident to others for quite some time!), but its something else to fully acknowledge and own up to it.
Item the second: So Ark of Truth. I sort of forgot this was happening until about two days ago, but, not wanting to be left out, I detoured by HMV on my way to teach and picked up a copy. And now it's lying here next to me in its cellophane and fancy bilingual cardboard cover (I prefer Stargate in French, actually--La porte des étoiles; noticing it now makes me realize that all my other Stargate DVDs are American), and yet...I've got a list of things I'd sort of rather watch tonight (B5, still not caught up on TSCC).
Why is it so hard to sustain interest during long hiatuses? My BSG excitement is coming back slowly, but when Razor aired I really couldn't bring myself to care. Now I feel similarly about Ark of Truth. I'll watch it. I'll probably watch it tonight. And hopefully I'll quite quickly remember why I want to marry Cameron Mitchell I love this show. But frankly I'm feeling surprisingly meh about the whole thing.
Item the third: Possibly I will throw off watching anything at all tonight and instead read
rydra_wong's long-awaited fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't yet read it, so this isn't a proper rec, but I suspect this thing is going to be simply amazing.
walked right out of the machinery, SG-1, gen, PG-13/R, AU from season 6, approx. 70,000 words. *rubs hands together expectantly*
Item the fourth: I so badly wanted to pretend that it might possibly be springtime soon that I wore unwise shoes and had to negotiate lots of ice and snowbanks in said unwise shoes, and now my achilles tendon is killing me. Stupid! But I swear, if this stuff doesn't melt soon, I cannot be held responsible for my actions!