*stumbles across finish line*

Mar 04, 2008 22:34

I made it through my weekend/Monday/Tuesday from hell, though not without roadbumps (like learning from the director of the program that something I was doing in class is actually illegal under the Freedom of Information Act...).

But I survived, and there was vodka (though no little umbrellas or pool boys! what gives, gabolange?), and B5 (almost the end of season 4, and wow has this show ever come a long, long way; this season has come a long, long way. Though I'm incredibly offended to think of G'Kar as a dirty old man, because really! Could we not have used that plot device for something better than a cheap joke???).

There is thundersnow, which is no longer novel and instead makes me want winter to die, and I do not have the stamina to stay up for election results. I think sleep soon.

Tomorrow: betaing gabolange's fic, working on my D/J ficathon fic, watching TSCC, climbing, not working. FTW.

teaching, babylon 5

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