procrastinating on a Thursday afternoon--mostly fannish

Feb 28, 2008 15:12

I'm now three eps in to TSCC and continuing to adore it!!!!! I think I was sold from the word go, just on the premise: women saving the world, apocalypse and time paradoxes.

On the other hand, there are definitely elements of the mythology that I wouldn't have thought I'd like. That primal fear I suspect we all have of being chased or pursued has always been particularly strong for me, and being chased (by what/whom changes) is the one recurring nightmare I've had vividly my whole life. I also don't tend to like unnuanced villains. I would generally argue in favor of moral ambiguity and against antagonists who are simply "bad." Yet at least so far I'm not overly bothered by the chase/pursuit factor, and the battle against the machines is more interesting than it could be. The struggle becomes as much against the future itself, psychological battles over the known and unknown, the predictable and unpredictable; the machines are merely a physical manifestation. Shifting the focus in that way makes this story work for me in a way it might not otherwise.

My first impression of Lena Headey's softer portrayal of Sarah was slightly skeptical, but as things progress I'm becoming more fond of this version of the character. The first movie showed us Sarah's fear and then acceptance, the second movie showed us her strength and determination, and now we're getting all of that combined with her doubt, and I'm finding the doubt fascinating.

I don't have much in the way of analysis for Cameron, but I'm loving her and loving what Summer Glau is doing with her. John I'm iffier about, but I suspect it's that thing where I often find teenage boys--real and fictional--kind of irritating. I get John, but I don't entirely like him, which may be a personal preference thing more than anything else.

Overall, much love!!! I think I've found a New Show! (As opposed to just a new show--there's a difference that I'm sure you all will appreciate!) Though what is this I read somewhere about there only being nine episodes ordered so far? Is this true? Any word yet on whether we'll be getting more? *crosses fingers*


In other fannish-related news, I finally started writing my Daniel/Janet ficathon piece, and it's going to be very mediocre at best, and probably entirely gen/friendship because that's the way things are swinging at the moment. And I'm never signing up for another ficathon with a deadline and a specific recipient ever, ever again!!!!!! I encourage you all, and especially gabolange, to very forcibly remind me of this moment the next time I start to be taken in by the ficathon shiny.

I have not written anything for LeapGate, though one of the LeapGate prompts helped considerably with the D/J ficathon idea. So maybe that sort of counts. But I wanted to write Sam and Vala and won't get to it, I fear.


Work is causing me all sorts of generalized anxiety this week, and to make matters worse, my vision seems to have taken a nosedive in the past week or two. The left eye (which is both the bad eye and the reading eye in my monovision prescription) is really not functioning at capacity, and reading--especially reading the tiny print of my 80-year-old periodicals--has become a bit of a chore. I think it's time for a visit to the eye doctor. *sigh*


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