Except that there won't be ten of them, and I can think of exceptions to every single one.
1. Daniel/Janet (SG-1): placed first because I've been talking about them recently, but not necessarily because they're my number 1 OTP. They are and they aren't. I have a strange relationship with Daniel/Janet. I could write pages about why I love them, but in the end, it comes down to the fact that I love them, and people will either get that or not.
2. Mulder/Scully (X-Files): Baby's First Ship. And the one that defined "ship." Nuff said.
3. John/Aeryn (Farscape): Again, I'm not sure I need to explain this one. For the most part, if you know Farscape, you get it. If you have not yet had the pleasure, nothing I can say in a few sentences will do it justice.
4. Doggett/Reyes (X-Files): The first pairing I wrote fic about, and my introduction to participating in fandom. (I was a little too intimidated by all the M/S fic when I first discovered fandom to dip my toes in that pond.) I loved that they weren't as fraught or as screwed up or as doomed as Mulder and Scully; I loved that they were both more than a little infatuated with Scully, because weren't we all; I loved that they threw their lots in with the X-Files, whether they believed or not.
5. Xhalax/Talyn (Farscape): Because sometimes love will destroy you.
And that's really it. After those I become pretty much a fickle little multi-shipper.
1. Sam/Daniel (SG-1): There are exceptions; I've definitely read Sam/Daniel fics that have worked for me. But they're always the ones where they've got sort of a screwed up relationship, rather than any kind of normally functioning, happy relationship. I love both characters, and I think they love each other truly, madly, deeply. But for some inexplicable reason I get a little squicked thinking about them having sex.
2. Sheppard/McKay (SGA): I do not fucking get it. Sorry. I just don't.
3. Um, I can think of some really random WTF??? kinds of pairings that I've seen here and there (Daniel/Cassie, Hammond/anyone, etc.) but I don't think there are any other fairly established pairings in any of the shows I watch that I really don't like.
And this one will be difficult to cap at 10!
1. Sam/Cameron (SG-1): The infatuation of the moment. Cameron is exactly the kind of man Sam deserves: someone who sees her for herself, no more and no less. Plus they're all hot and adorable and stuff.
2. Cameron/Vala (SG-1): Better living through chemistry.
3. Sam/Vala (SG-1): Another little obsession I'm having at the moment.
Predictably, 4. Sam/Cameron/Vala (SG-1): Not that I've actually read any of this. Is anyone writing it? I have a bit of a plot bunny for OT4 made up of Sam/Cam/Vala/Teal'c, but it's a bit down on the list of plot bunnies.
5. Cameron/Teal'c (SG-1): This is the first slash pairing in which I've really gotten why heterosexual women find slash hot. Because these guys? Very hot.
Basically, I'm perfectly in favor of most all variations on the SG-1 season 10 orgy. Moving on:
6. Elliot/Olivia (SVU): Because they're hot and angsty.
7. Chiana/D'Argo (Farscape): I almost put them in the first category, because mostly I do only want them to be with each other. But they're far more complicated than that, of course. And there's also that thing that would spoil people if I mentioned it.
8. Sheppard/Weir (SGA): I used to love them. And then I wanted to strangle both of them because they've been SO STUPID!!! And then I sort of stopped caring. But give me a S/W fic by
phrenitis or
mylittleredgirl, and I will still squee.
9. Zelenka/Heightmeyer (SGA): Because I was writing one day, and Radek turned over in bed, and there she was. I don't get it, and I invented it. But Lorne/Novak have a whole comm devoted to them, and at least my random pairing that makes no sense once shared a few seconds of screen time.
10. CJ/Toby (The West Wing): They're not a fall in love or have sex kind of pairing. But they're an "I love you and understand you more than anyone else ever will" kind of pairing. And when she went over to his house in that ep right before the series finale, I cried and cried.
And I think my conclusion here is that the word "pairing" is a bit limiting, both in the implication that we're talking about two people and in the implication that we're talking about some sort of romantic/sexual thing. Oh, the downfalls of categorization!