Even though the gods are crazy, even though the stars are blind

Jan 17, 2009 20:52

Stole this from midnight_united, lastblazes and like six other people on my f-list:

* Pick up to 15 OTPs.
* Describe them in less than 15 words. Two have sixteen, suck it.
* Have your flist guess the OTP.

Most of these are song lyrics, which makes it tricky. Some are obvious, some are vague, a couple are cracktastic. But, I included a handy word bank!

1. I was your silver lining. You were running through fields of hitchhikkers, as the story goes. Ten/Rose, as guessed by aquidis
2. Maybe I'm just like my mother. She was never satisfied either. Shilo/Blind Mag, as guessed by taimoset
3. Countess and courtesan have fallen 'neath my tender hand. Ten/Reinette, as guessed by aquidis
4. My will is as strong as yours. Jareth/Sarah, as guessed by bornbackwards
5. Although our lips barely touched, I have never felt so much. Marni/Mag, as guessed by midnight_united
6. And when you leave, I'd better be innocent. I used to be. Lolita/Humbert, as guessed by aquidis
7. Blood-red love knot, temptress eyes, cuts right through the family ties. Charles/Camilla, as guessed by midnight_united
8. He took me away, I was never the same on the black sand. Amber/Zydrate, as guessed by avalon_usagi
9. I've known you for an hour, but you're growing like a flower in me. Libby/Sofie, as guessed by avalon_usagi
10. I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor. Tripp/Lux, as guessed by sushimonkey511
11. Let's talk about spaceships or anything except you and me, okay? Jenny/Rose, as guessed by aquidis
12. Adventure on my sleeve, I was a little drunk and looking for company. Dan/Chuck, as guessed by aquidis
13. I will be your ambulance if you will be my accident. Sylar/Mohinder, as guessed by avalon_usagi
14. Take a look at the lawman, beating up the wrong guy. Wonder if he'll ever know. Sam Tyler/Gene Hunt, as guessed by bornbackwards
15. From the skull down to the feet, all out for blood and sweat and meat. Amber/Luigi, as guessed by avalon_usagi

Word Bank ('cos I'm a cheat):

Sylar/Mohinder (Heroes), Dan Humphrey/Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl),Ten/Rose Tyler, Ten/Reinette, Jenny/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who), Sam Tyler/Gene Hunt (Life on Mars), Jareth/Sarah (Labyrinth), Amber Sweet/Luigi Largo, Shilo Wallace/Blind Mag, Marni/Mag,Amber Sweet/Zydrate (Repo! The Genetic Opera), Lolita/Humbert Humbert (Lolita), Charles Macauley/Camilla Macauley (The Secret History), Libby Dreifuss/Sofie Bojakshiya (Carnivale), Tripp Fontaine/Lux Lisbon (The Virgin Suicides).

Julia and I saw My Bloody Valentine today, and I liked the effects, but it was sort of sophomoric. Not as bad as some teen horror films out now, but just meh. Some of the actors who weren't Jensen Ackles seemed in a rush to get all their lines out. The killer was really creepy though. I totally hid when he comes out of the screen (figuratively) at the end of the credits. Makes me want to watch the original again though. I heard they just released an extended cut of it on DVD.

This week, I spent a fair amount of time watching the first season of Carnivale. I originally only wanted to watch it for Bill Moseley's cameos (shut up), but it's such a great show. And I love the not-so-ambiguous nature of Justin and Iris's relationship. Mostly, I was super excited that the two characters I was totally rooting for hooked up. Their awkwardness was just too cute for words.

Hm. Time for microwave food and the First Doctor.

how do i put this i'm your godmom, is there life on mars, i don't take lip from a slut/cunt, xoxo gossip girl, carnivale, doctor who, bill moseley's sexy stitches, amber sweet is addicted to the knife, meme, left alone with marx and engels, a little glass vial, tv

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