Oh, well. Guess who's back.

Aug 30, 2007 14:13

Yes, I'm back. After driving 700 kilometers, getting a little sick and with sore throat, only to discover that the fucking big storm that hit Cracow a week away totally destroyed the willow in our garden, which devastated the alley, the fence (our neighbour) phone wires, which means that after three weeks of being away I'm not having Internet! I'm ( Read more... )


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novin_ha August 30 2007, 15:00:28 UTC
So happy to see you - how long will it take them to repair your Internet?

I'm probably writing my exam on Thursday, so it's quite likely I'll try to get to Cracow on Thursday evening to save on tickets, so that I'd give the documents to the People in Question on Friday. Would you be a dear and have me then? Just tell me if it's a problem and I'll try something else!


ringhsilven August 30 2007, 15:34:31 UTC
Bedziesz w Krakowie??! Ale super! Na jak dlugo? :))
Chwila, niech lookne w kajecik...
Cholera. Jelsi mowiac "czwartek" masz na mysli 6 to kijowo bo akurat pracuje 3 dni pod rzad :( chyba, ze bedziesz mogla zostac dluzej :))
Tak czy siak, mam nadzieje, ze chociaz do mnie zagaldniecie:P

To niedaleko :)

Misiaki! :)


pellamerethiel August 31 2007, 09:54:47 UTC
Oj, akurat w czwartek, piatek i sobote? Buuuu. Ale 18stego masz wolne, tak?
Wspominalam Ci, ze Nelly ma przyjechac! XD


ringhsilven August 31 2007, 10:15:28 UTC
17-18 mam wolne :))


pellamerethiel August 31 2007, 09:53:58 UTC
Nie wiadomo ile. :( Dzisiaj przyjechali, ale wyszlam, zanim bylo cos wiadomo. :(
Co do czwartku to zapraszam, z tym, ze ja mam w piatek praktyki. :) Ale to nie problem przeciez. Umowie sie jakos z Mama i wpusci Cie i wypusci. :P A zostaniesz na weekend?
Odpisz mi smsem, bo nie wiem, kiedy dorwe sie znowu netu. :*
Miss you :(


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