Oh, well. Guess who's back.

Aug 30, 2007 14:13

Yes, I'm back. After driving 700 kilometers, getting a little sick and with sore throat, only to discover that the fucking big storm that hit Cracow a week away totally destroyed the willow in our garden, which devastated the alley, the fence (our neighbour) phone wires, which means that after three weeks of being away I'm not having Internet! I'm very, very pissed off.
I'm going to spend the whole Friday with ringhsilven - we're going to drink, gossip and watch Transformers together. Maybe I won't kill TPSA guys. Maybe.
I've written four complete fics, two of HP (but nobody's here is going to read these, so whatever :P) and two of BSG. And I can't wait to see the start of 3rd season of Prison Break: I've seen the trailer, it looks gorgeous, almost Fight Club like (Mahone's fighting in the rain!!) and I think I'm ready to write again in this fandom. ;)
Missed you all.
Hope I'm getting my net back soon.


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