May 24, 2009 06:01
No big news lately.
I really want to play computer games but PC gaming is not so hot in rural Japan. After scouring 3 electronics stores and a dvd and game rental place, not one PC game could be found, so I'm sticking to Diablo, since I did bring it from America.
I really want to be the Sims 3 special edition, because it comes with a plumbob flash drive, and a tips and tricks guide, but as it turns out the only website that has it and will ship to Japan will not ship to a country other than the one the billing address is located in.
SO I have to send it to someone who will ship it to me. Oy.
Arimis might have just taken a job at a funeral home.
Shan leaves for Italy tomorrow.
Tomorrow, we're going to an amusement park. It has more rollercoastes than USJ. I'm excited!
I was playing Uno on facebook. These guys started chatting. Its silly how "adult" guys run away when you tell them you've got a boyfriend.
Some things never change.
I need to shower. Its funny how many times that is posted on here...
Everyone out there to whom I owe postcards (meaning Natalie, among others) I will send it all off soonish, like next week.
That's all I have for now. Adios.