Yeah, more Itachi/Zack, no porn because, well, porn comes every other chapter thingy and that means next time.
Tachi was settled a seat below Mama, a tub of popcorn and some rice crackers taking up room next to a couple of big lemonade bottles. Sas was bouncing in his brother’s lap, cheering on the home team even though the game hadn’t started yet, while Mama worked on some of her crochet.
Zack had his arms full, one around each ‘friend’, and a smile that lit up the stadium as he climbed the bleachers to settle in with his family.
“Miss Liore, Itachi, Sasuke. Good afternoon.” Ah Cloud, ever the peace maker and cuddle bug. Aeris and Mama gave each other nods, and Tachi grunted, though it was probably because Sas had landed his bony little butt in the older boy’s kidney.
Ro was in the middle of a huddle, and, Zack saw, had one hand firmly wrapped in his buddy’s braid. It was an old habit, the only way anyone had to shut Duo up, and Ro was tugging the thing every other moment to get his point across. Something must be up then.
The other team, remarkable only for their god awful orange uniforms, were making crude signs and basically telegraphing their play by play. No wonder these kids sucked.
“Zack, is it just me, or does that man look familiar?” Aeris pointed to the coach of the rival team ad Zack felt his blood run cold. Silver hair, eye patch, mocking smile…
“It’s Hitake. He’s half brother to Sephiroth-sensei, the counselor at our school.” Tachi gave the guy a cursory glance then returned his attention to taming Sas’s hair, an impossible feat.
“He’s also the local army recruiter. Cloud, do me a favor and stay invisible tonight?”
Cloud’s big blue eyes held a world of questions but he simply shrugged and leaned closer to Mama, asking about the knots and styles of yarn. Aeris arched a brow but before she could tear into him the bell rang and Ro was pounding across the court to lay the smack down on the invading team.
Two minutes later the whole family was wincing.
“…..That looks painful.” Zack felt for the redhead who tried to grab Duo’s braid in passing. Eyebrows or no eyebrows, the kid went down hard. And bounced.
“He’s up again. I think that’s the teams ringer.” Tachi mused, idly stealing popcorn from the bucket Zack had confiscated.
“Lookie, lookie! Ro gots the ball! GO RO!!”
“Sasuke, you know better, say it right.”
“Hey! I didn’t teach him that one!”
Somewhere around half time Sephiroth arrived, dressed in his suit though the briefcase was thankfully left behind. He made his introductions, was hurriedly seated next to Mama and the almost empty popcorn bucket, and the cheering went on.
Tachi watched the game like a hawk, Cloud bounced conversation off of Mama, Sephiroth and Zack, and Zack and Aeris cuddled because Cloud’s mom was somewhere in the stands and would have a conniption seeing her ‘virgin son’ touching another boy with interest.
The end score was twelve to nothing, but the orange ‘Sand’ team put up a hell of a fight. They needed better offense, but the defense was pretty good considering only three kids showed any measure of real talent. Duo and Ro were basically carrying each other off the court, sweaty tired and victorious, and Zack promised himself a noogie for his little bro as soon as Ro stopped smelling like a locker room.
“Is everyone ready to head out? Sas, be careful your brother’s trying to walk there.”
“Hey Ma, we’re going to the movies and then out to Aeris’s for the night, I’ll do up my chores in the morning okay?”
“Alright but don’t slack off and expect your brothers to pull your weight. Itachi, were you going out to?”
“No, Kaasan, I have an interview tomorrow.”
They bundled everyone up, split up, and Zack passed Ro a few rubbers just in case, which promptly got thrown back in his face. “Pervert. Go bang your brains out, some of us have better things to do.”
“Little bro, there is nothing better to do.”