Title: Words
Fandom: FF7/H.P. Lovecraft
Characters: Zack/Harem
Claim: DemonZack/Harem
Prompt: Dagaz
Word Count: 420
Rating: PG
Warnings: Thinking
Author's Notes: I’m an insane minion/sockpuppet/lemming
Summary: Parents.
Aeris enjoys children. She loves every form of life that doesn’t actively try to harm her adoptive brood. It’s a wonderful trait in a healer, especially of one of her caliber, but mixing such a positive force with the corrosive magics of the Deep was very unwise.
He had very practical reasons for trying to dissuade Zack from this foolishness. Not the least of which was the possibility that the child, malformed and twisted by the incompatible energies of his mixed blood and her pure strain, would end up killing both mother and child.
Vincent had bequeathed to his master only one child, for the sole reason that Farlings were not as long lived as Eldrichs, and so one day Zack would need a guard capable of the task. Even then, Sephiroth had been born a mix, mother an unknown quantity whose only distinguishment had been her name; Lucretia.
Sephiroth may not live as long as Zack, nor as long as his father, it was yet to be seen, but he did not believe in risking another’s life to bear his progeny was a good way to ensure Zack’s safety. He would have preferred to simply handpick a new, younger slave, and train that one to take his duties when the time came. The only thing that kept him from violently pressing the issue was Cloud. Cloud’s words, to be exact.
“He really loves you. All of you. I don’t think he thinks about it as a risk, or… he does, but he doesn’t let it stop at that. He thinks about you, and her. And maybe it’s worth it, to be a parent. I don’t know, I never really… But maybe he wants you to know, so you can be as happy as Vincent was when you were born.”
He’d never wondered if Vincent had been happy to see him born. He was simply the replacement, the one to come after Vincent had retired from usefulness. Vincent himself had never asked to be called anything but his name, and had not acted in any way like Zack’s father, who was the only parental figure Sephiroth had been exposed to.
Watching, waiting, studying the way the others, especially her, reacted to the idea of a new addition to the brood, forced him to re-evaluate his relationship with Vincent.
Perhaps the man had only been a father as he knew, and as he knew not to be. In which case, Seph would be very willing to call him Dad.