Jan 28, 2009 12:55
after repeated and not necessarily warranted viewings of 'reality bites' on cable (thanks, encore channel!), i realize that my college crush was not too far off the mark from troy dyer, except my crush actually did have a job and lived with his parents. (don't judge - so did i at the time) after some googling, i found out what my old crush looks like now which is to say he looks about the same, but a little heftier, and i don't know the state of his hair because he has a hat on. let's just say that the blush wore off of the rose.
the people in the snuggies commercial who wore the snuggies to 'sporting events' look like cult members. if you're cold, why not just wear a coat or a jacket?
i haven't lived in an apartment that had a washer/dryer or a dishwasher in 10 years. strangely, i've survived.
if target is going to sell non-toxic surface cleaners to save the environment, then why don't they sell refills rather than requiring the consumer to continue to buy a new spray bottle in order to get new product? my environmentalism comes more out of a sense of saving my money rather than some larger altruistic feeling, but it seems like common sense to me.
a coworker mentioned this to me as a joke, and i mentioned to a friend who thought it was real:
'frost/nixon' in IMAX.
just imagine...tricky dick up close and personal! IMAX or not, the film was amazing, and no it's not just the interview, and i highly highly highly recommend it. highly.
praying during my 40 minute train ride to penn station keeps me calm and sane.
i have yet to understand why people who live in the northeast lose their minds when a snowstorm is forecasted to be coming. it's the northeast. it snows. a lot. why freak out? i grew up on the gulf coast which has lots of hurricanes, but the people up here go insane with the grocery stores and what not.
i would like to thank the person who invented elliptical training machines. without them, i don't think i would even have the desire to go to the gym.