Inner peace

Jul 15, 2012 17:01

It's my 12th day here in Thailand, and we're finally allowing ourselves some city indulgence. We're whiling our time away in an internet cafe till our train bound for Bangkok leaves at 6.30pm.

It has been a fun and interesting trip thus far. Our travels has brought us from Chiang Rai - Chiang Mai - Sukhothai - Si Satchanalai - Sawankhalok (where we are now).

It has been more than a trip of sightseeing. I have learnt, albeit still learning, to find inner peace. Although I'm not a Buddhist, I very much agree with the way of life that Buddhism encourages. Zen. To quieten your heart and find that inner peace within you. It was more than admiring the various forms of the temples, chedis and Buddha statues we've seen along the way. Looking at those statues and historical ruins, you can imagine the reverence of the old days. The peacefulness and quietness of the old cities.

That made me thought about the city life that I've been caught up in.

Before we started our trip, I was already worried that we will quarrel over small matters. It's neither about being a worrywart,  nor a pessimist. It's being realistic, foreseeing the future and seeking to prevent unhappiness. After all, it is easy to be friends who go back to their own homes everyday, but extremely difficult to stay together and see each other 24/7. That really did happen.

But I thought about the inner peace I've been trying to find along the journey. Does it really matter who gets their way? Does it really matter who is right or wrong? What is the point of arguing? Yes, I can retaliate and "win". But what comes of it in the end? Nothing but a strained and cracked relationship that will make the rest of the 20 days awkward and hard to pass by. It can be easier to live and let live, instead of being the one to shout and storm out of the room.

I can't say that I have truly found inner peace. However, I have very much reconnected with my inner self that I have barricaded for a really long time. Travelling gave me plenty of time to seek deeper into my soul and think about who I am. I have allowed myself to fill up with nothing but bitterness.

It has been really interesting so far. I seek to see a different me at the end of the trip, physically, mentally, spiritually (I've been reading the Bible lots too). 
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