This week I'll likely be going a little stir crazy.
Gavin wasn't feeling well over the weekend. He'd be fine in the morning, but as the day progressed he would slow down and feel warm. He was getting sick obviously. It seemed like he was getting better by Sunday evening, but I was going to keep him out of school Monday to make sure he was fever free for 24 hours before he returned (it's school policy).
After coughing in his sleep most of Monday night he woke up on Tuesday feeling warm again, so I called the doctor for an appointment. Gavin was perky during his appointment so the doctor thought it was just something viral and gave a prescription to help with the cough. After he got a dose of his medicine though, he slowed down again and spiked a fever.
This all happened around the same time I get a call from my MIL telling me my nephew Zander has type A Influenza (this is what the CDC is considering
H1N1 to be). Since he and Gavin played together for a bit last Tuesday and Wednesday, I call the doctor's office back with this news and play phone tag for a bit before they say bring him back in for a flu test.
Ten to 15 minutes after the nasal swab we find out Gavin has type A Influenza as well. Of course my MIL and my mom take that news hard because of all the media hype, but all he has is this season's influenza. There really isn't any difference between H1N1 and "normal" influenza.
The stir crazy part of this week comes from not being able to occasionally go out and do things since I don't want to spread Gavin's germs all over or expose him to other germs that might make him sicker.
I stopped by his school this morning to turn in his doctor's excuse (he's out until Monday). I also turned in his "Star of the Week" poster as well as some money for a class t-shirt. The TA said that maybe they can have two stars of the week next week since he's out this week.