Nov 25, 2007 23:12
As often happens with me I should be sleeping when instead I'm posting. In fact I want to be sleeping now and I don't really know why I'm not.
As I was laying in bet trying to fall asleep my cell phone rang with "PRIVATE" displayed. Since I only have one bar (occasionally two) at my In Laws I couldn't really make out who was on the other end. I guess I'm up in case they decide to call again.
While 11 P.M. might not seem late to some people for me it seems like 12 A.M. (I'm in a different time zone) and Gavin has been getting up at 6:30 A.M. lately. I know I could probably sleep in a little since there are others in the house, but (for the most part) I'm used to getting up when he does.
I finally got to see "Serenity" tonight. I'm not sure what to make of it, having never seen "Firefly". I may have to see if the video store carries it and rent the DVDs when I can.
Well my brain seems to be shutting down so I'm going to try and get some sleep. Take care everyone!