Oct 05, 2007 22:50
I'm never going to get to use the first Saturday child care. I don't remember why I couldn't use it in September, but in August I couldn't use it because my parents came to town that weekend. Now I'm not going to be able to use to tomorrow because Gavin whacked his head something fierce tonight.
We took a precautionary trip to the ER because the quarter-sized bump on his head swelled up within five minutes. I got the the hospital less than 30 minutes after it happened and on the way inside he got sick in the parking lot. We saw the doctor about a half hour after that and he said that since Gavin had only gotten sick once he wasn't too worried. Just after the doctor left the room to write up the dischage instructions Gavin got sick again.
When the doctor came back he said he still wasn't worried since it was only twice, but he did say if it continued to bring little man back. I'm not supposed to let him eat or drink anything tonight and I'm supposed to wake him up every two hours for the next 24 hours. This is going to be so much fun.
Since Gavin is supposed to rest or play quitetly for the next 24 hours I figure it would be better for him not to go to the first Saturday child care, as much as I need the time away from him. I'll call in the morning to cancel his spot and then I'll call Monday morning and set it up for him to go on Friday afternoon.
Gavin's wanting his night time cup so badly, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten sick from his fussing for it. It's a comfort thing got him still. He's starting to quiet down and I hope he will go to sleep soon.
Of course all this would happen right as I'm coming down with a cold.