Well I've been trying to wind my mind down enough to get to sleep now for a little while. I'm finally making head way. I've mostly been randomly surfing Web sites I have bookmarked. Also been catching up in the two forums I am a part of (
Anita Blake comic and
Windstone Editions). I was starting to get a litte pissed off on the comic forum because I was trying to find out when the next comics were supposed to hit the stands. I had several people telling me February and March. Everything I could find said something else. Finally this evening someone from the company making the comic chimed in and said the dates I listed were the ones he had. He should know too, he's the sales manager! Made me feel good to see that.
I decided I didn't like how the wolf had turned out so far so I attacked it with an old toothbrush and hot, soapy water this afternoon. I managed to scrub most of the paint off, but I'm going to have to use something else to get at the paint that's stayed stuck. I know folks on the forum listed rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover so I may give those a try after letting the piece dry completely. I kind of liked one affect that happened during the paint scrubbing so my ideas for PYO wolves is actually up to 3 now.
I actually got something done by a self-imposed deadline for once. When we were visiting
druidmage's parents for Christmas leave I said I would make prints of pictures they wanted by Valentine's Day. I printed the last pages out earlier this evening and am planning on running to the post office tomorrow to send them out! Yeah me! Maybe I should do self-imposed deadlines more often.
I think I'm finally wound down enough to get some sleep. Here's hoping Gavin doesn't wake up any time soon. He's been doing that more and more lately and to top it off he has/had a runny nose when he fell asleep at 7:15 P.M.