My inner editor said hmmph, and other nonsense

Oct 01, 2008 13:07

I was reading through some of the forums on the nano site last night, trying to get some pointers, or at least confirmation that I am indeed insane. When I explained to Dan yesterday what nano is, first he did the math to figure out exactly how much writing 50,000 words entails, and then he said "I'm not sure I'm even going to want to know you that month." Anyways, I was reading something about sending your inner editor on a nice long vacation during nano, and I swear to you, it said hmmph. Practically audibly. I laughed.

On a less crazy tangent...We went for a nice long walk today, and discovered that if you go past the school and through some back streets there is a route that goes out to Jackson road. It's a teensy bit longer than walking the way I have been going, but it's exciting for me because this means that as long as I don't mind wading through the occasional snowdrift, I can still get to all the shops and stuff in the winter without having to deal with the evil slippery bridge. Yay!
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