
Aug 22, 2008 14:57

Bryce is officially signed up for school. They'll get back to me next week to let me know morning or afternoon kindergarten. I expressed a preference for afternoon and they told me that that would probably work. We'll see. He's so excited he can hardly stand it.
The dinner portion of my session went very well last night. Even the picky eaters liked the stew. :) The actual gaming part was a little less smooth. I'd never run a session before, and was nervous as all get out. So what was the first thing they did? Of course, deviate from the script. I spent the night scrambling and my presentation of stuff was a bit stiff as a result. I really have to learn to relax. It's like trying to play the piano when you're nervous; your fingers stiffen up and you can't help but hit all the wrong notes. The next session is on Monday, so I'll have a lot of prep on my hands to get things ready by then.
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