crappy week...

Aug 20, 2008 18:48

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my mom's death. That pretty well sums up what a crappy week this is.
I was supposed to go enroll the kid in school today, but was lacking one of the required pieces of paper because we do everything through online banking. So when I went looking for a utility bill for proof of address there was none to be found. Will need to get up early tomorrow to go and enroll him then.
Tomorrow is already going to be busy, busy, busy. I have to get the house cleaned up, I have to bake pita bread, and I am cooking a huge dinner for my friends. B is supposed to be here to help me at 5, but I am expecting less helping, more my coaching her on how to make her character. I doubt Dan will be untired enough after his bowling tournament to make his character tonight, though I can probably get him to choose a background which is all I really have to have at this point. Okay, I needed it two weeks ago, but hey, this is what I've got. It's my first time as DM, and it's really hard to prep for an intro to the adventure when nobody knows what they are playing until the session actually starts. I even did the legwork for them, as usual. M is the only one who has his stuff together. I think I can run the adventure, but how the heck do you wrangle the players? And did I mention that I have a huge case of stage fright?
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